Lesson Three

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Jihye had woken up to a loud buzzing sound. She lazily opened her eyes and saw that her phone was vibrating because of the alarm that she had set up for today. She buried her face in her pillow and tried to fall alseep again, but failed. When she had remembered why she had set her alarm earlier than normal, she jumped out of her bed and rushed to the bathroom.

Today, Jihye was going to have lunch with Jungkook and she had to look her best. I mean, she wasn't going to have lunch with him alone but it's the same thing... Right?

After Jihye's quick shower, she then began to put on her foundation and concealer to cover up the bags under her eyes. Then, she proceeded to do a cat eyeliner on both of her eyes, making her eyes pop. Finishing off with her eye makeup, she curled her eyelashes and wore mascara that made her eyelashes look even more better. For the final touches, she put on her favorite nude color lipstick that Mihyun gave to her as a birthday gift.

After her hair had dried off, she curled her smooth chocolate hair, leaving the rest of it straight. Jihye finally finished curling her brown locks, then got up to get her uniform that was just laid on her bed. BH Academy's uniform consisted of a black and white blazer and a checkered red skirt, with a matching tie. In Jihye's opinion, she much more prefered this uniform over JYP's eye-catching yellow and black uniform.

Speaking of JYP, Jihye hasn't been up to date with her old school. Not that Jihye cared or anything, she did have a lot of bad memories there. So why try and worry about it now? Jihye quickly shook her head and went out of her room, bumping into her dad in the process.

"Oh, Hye-hye." Jihye's father said, surprise in his voice, "You're early today. What's the rush?"

"Good morning to you too, appa." Jihye smiled, "I just wanted to look my best today~"

"Don't lie to us now, Park Jihye. I know you're trying to impress a guy at school." A voice coming from the kitchen said, revealing it to be Jihye's mother, "So? Is he good looking?"

"Aish, yeobo, Hye-hye can't date yet. She's still my little princess." Jihye's father said with a pout as he wrapped his arms around Jihye protectively. Jihye pushed her father away lightly with a whine as her mother laughed at the scene before her.

"Aigoo~ Appa, I need to go now~ I still need to wake up Mihyun." Jihye pouted, "You know how she is in the mornings."

"Arasso. See you later, Hye-hye~" Her father cooed as both Jihye and her mother shook their heads. When Jihye had gotten all her stuff for school, she placed a little peck on both her father and mother's cheeks and left.

"You didn't complain when I did the same thing your daughter's doing now." Jihye's mother smiled at her husband as Jihye left.

Jihye's father mumbled under his breath as he started to walk away, away from his giggling wife.

Mihyun had already woken up and prepared breakfast for both herself and her mother. As Mihyun silently set the table, her mother had just walked out of her bedroom, a sour expression on her face. Mihyun looked up and whispered a 'good morning' to her, but never received a nod or reply back. Mihyun stared down blankly at the small table and felt the tears threaten to fall.

Her mother had began to isolate herself from Mihyun. Mihyun didn't know the reason why she did that, but brushed it off aside, thinking that her mother just needed some space. But days became weeks, and weeks became months... She didn't know what to do anymore.

The gloomy atmosphere of the room enveloped them and made Mihyun nervous. Her mother was just staring at her, saying nothing. As Mihyun continued to set the table, her mother had finally spoken up.

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