We continued to meet at the fountion everyday when he was done with his missions and Marxie was done with her’s for about a month. Today it was different. Marxie had told Texkai to go to that fountion when she was done with her missions. Today was the day Marxie’d been planing. “Hey, Roxas!!” I said as I ran over to him and put my arms around his neck and kissed him. “how was your day?” I asked with a smile that almost never fanished with him. “my ex-girlfriend Tekxai wasn’t at breackfast this morning. I hope she’s okay.” he said. I sighed. “of course she’s okay. Maybe she went on a mission like the ones you always go on.” it was safe to take about the organization and missions wih him because he’d told me all about it. “she wouldn’t have left so early she’s not a morning person, trust me.” he said. I kissed him again and this time someone yelled Roxas’s name.