golden freddy

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"goldie!" you yelled goldie didn't say anything,most likely he was wondering why he was in the spare parts room. goldie wasn't really trouble for you he would pop in the security room here and there but that was it.Unless chica told him to do something he was fine "hey goldie can you help me get out of here." goldie blinked then growled "pleaasssee" you begged he rolled his eyes and tossed you over his shoulder,and in an instant he telaported out of the room.

toy bonnie and toy chica pov

"bonnie she's not saying anything" bonbon looked at the door he then began to open."WHAT THE HELL."bonbon yelled no one was in the room,but that was impossible the only person who could get in was ...."that son of a bitch."bonbon tried to whisper"um bonnie "chica asked bonbon looked at her and smiled " nothing we can do here chica let's go".he told her and left 2chica confused.

your pov

you appeared out of the room in a flash with golden freddy holding you,he set you down his expression not changing"OH MY GOSH THANK YOU SO MUCH GOLDIE." you screamed hugging him tightly.he looked at you confused making slight noises "hmm it's ok goldie i know you can't talk."you said letting go of him.

goldie is kinda weird no one knows much about him except that he always listens to chica(the old one).you smiled at him,he tried smiling back but only ended up moving one part of his mouth up you couldn't help but laugh."Y/N" you turned to see who was calling you and it was your boss "boss!" you said surprisingly "i see you finished your new shift!do you like?" he asked "um yeah i guess it's ok"."thats good cause i.......what is he doing here." you looked at goldie,you forgot your boss didn't like him."oh we were just talking" you replied nervously.

"oh good well it's time for you to go home i'll see you tomorrow"he said almost like a command "uh ok bye boss,bye goldie " you said waving goodbye goldie nodded then honestly didn't want to tell your boss anything that happened you just wanted to go home.

(sorry for updating so late i didn't mean to take so long,also do you guys like the way i make you call ba's marionette boss i always think of a new jersey accent every time i read it XD but i really hoped you enjoyed bye.

also sister location is all most here yay)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2017 ⏰

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