Chapter 2: Spying on the girls (part 1)

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When Sonic and Silver arrived at the chillidog store they saw Amy and Blaze at a table, talking and having a chillidog for each.

Sonic and Silver were blushing as they saw Amy and Blaze in cute clothes. So then they sat in a table next to the girls is seat and heard them talking.

"So Amy have you come up with a song for the for the show next week?" Blaze asked Amy.

"I'm still working on it Blaze but I will tell you for what we can sing for the Japanese 🎌 concert of music." Amy said not knowing that Sonic and Silver were listening to their chat.

'Japanese concert of Music. Are they in a show' Sonic thought listening to their chat more.

"Alright Amy. Oh and do you think Sonic and Silver are ever gonna see the show at the park?" Blaze asked again.

'what did they mean by us being seeing them in the show' Silver thought and listened more with Sonic.

"Maybe cause I know Sonic doesn't like shows but Silver does. Last time I went to a show with him he and I won 1000 dollars for the best act!" Amy said.

'Oh yeah I remember that day I went crazy' thought Silver remembering that show with Amy.

'What Silver and Amy won 1000 dollars. Ah that explains why Amy has a mansion and Silver has a new HD TV' Sonic thought in shocked.

"Ah that explains why you are living in a mansion and that Silver has a new HD TV! Nice." Blaze said with a smile and exvitment.

"Yeah anyway lets go to the store and buy some fabric for our costumes!" Amy said as she and Blaze smiled.

"Okay besides I really need some more fabric and a measuring tape to make sure its perfect." Blaze said as she grabbed her bag and left the tip.

As the girls left the store Sonic and Silver got suspicious about Amy and Blaze is behavior. So they decided to follow the girls and have some clues on what they are doing.

Me: Well I'm gonna stop here for now.

Sonic: Wow that is a lot of writing you did ED.

Me: Well thanks Sonic I'd appreciate it.

Amy: Yay I can't wait for the next part.

Silver: Same.

Blaze: I'm liking this story so far.

Me: Alright guys lets stop now.

Sonic and Silver: Remember guys please read.

Amy and Blaze: Vote

Me: And comment on this part of the story and tell me what you think of Chapter 2 part 1. Peace out Y'all.

Amy and Blaze: Bye everyone.

Sonic and Silver: See ya later.

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