Chapter 4.5: Making costumes (Girls POV)

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While Sonic and Silver were signing in the concert Amy, Blaze and Catherine were out shopping for fabric for Catherine's costume. While they were shopping for fabric Blaze saw an old man and saw that he was selling microphones and CD'S (Japan ones not English ones) and decides to buy one.

"Excuse me sir but how much do these microphones and CD'S cost?" Blaze asked the old man.

"Oh well they cost $5 each." The man said with a smile.

"Okay we'll take three of each kind and what are these CD's?" Blaze asked again.

"Oh they are Japan music from famous Japan singers. The one your holding is a Hatsune Miku and Luka song called Like Dislike and this one is a song by Falulu and its called 0 weeks old." The man said and explained to Blaze.

"Okay we'll take these two songs, three microphones, and these outfits." Blaze said as she took out her money.

"Okay that'll be $50." The man said as he checked the money.

"Oh and I never got your name sir." Blaze asked.

"My name is Frederick." Fredrick said with a smile.

When Blaze finished buying she went to Amy and Catherine and they went to Amy's house and listened to the songs. When they heard it and they liked it and decided to dance to the songs.

Meanwhile with the guys. Sonic and Silver were coming up with a song for the Japanese 🎌 Concert of Music. Until Silver had an idea for a song.

"I think I know where we can come up with a song!" Silver said with an idea.

"What what is it Silver. Did you come up with a song?" Sonic asked all worried and scared of what Silver might say.

" Why not head to the mall and maybe we can find a song with can sing." Silver said.

"Ew. I heat shopping. Shopping is for girls." Sonic said with a face of disgust.

"Oh common Sonic lets just find a song to sing and we'll never go there again. I promise." Silver said with a cross on his chest.

"Oh alright but just this one time only okay." Sonic said as he was mad.

"Okay lets go." Silver said as he and Sonic went to the mall, where Amy, Blaze and Catherine were leaving the mall not knowing that Sonic's little brother Manic was spying on Catherine.

"Catherine, my true love, I hope to get you to be my love better than Mina." Manic said as he went to his brother Sonic.

By the time Sonic and Silver got to the mall Manic was there sighing sadly while holding a picture frame of Catherine and the day he spied on her and took a picture of her.

When Sonic and Silver got there they saw Manic all sad and went to him.

"Hey little brother what are you doing here." Sonic said as Manic looked up with tears in his eyes.

"Oh hi Sonic. I'm here cause I wanted to capture this girl is heart." Manic said as he showed Sonic and Silver the picture frame and saw Catherine's picture in the picture frame.

"Whose this girl Manic?" Silver asked.

"Her name is Catherine Rose. Amy Rose is sister and I've been trying to win her heart for a month cause she's very special to me and only me." Manic said and he placed his hands over his chest and thinking about Catherine.

"But why are you out here of the mall for?" Silver asked again.

"Cause I entered the Japanese 🎌 Concert of Music today and I wanted to sing her a song just to show Catherine how much I love her." Manic said as he explained.

"Oh well me and Silver are just here to find a song to sing at the concert as well." Sonic said to his brother.

"Well can I join you two. I wanna let Catherine know how much I love her." Manic said.

"Sure Manic you can join us." Sonic said.

"Thanks guys your the best." Manic said happily.

Me: Well this is a long chapter I have ever done. Sorry it took so long folks but I was having an exam last week and work lately but now I'm in  summer break so I'll have enough time to upload more chapters for this story. So hope you all understand but now I'm back and ready to post more soon. Sayanara. 🎌

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