Chapter 8: Competition Day.

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Me: Hey guys I'm back from my trip to Florida weeks ago so now that I'm back I can now continue this story. So lets continue.

A week later (on a Friday)

     The day has come and it was the day of the Japanese Concert of Music. And every contestant was there including Sonic, Manic and Silver. The guys were very nervous cause they saw the girls in their costumes and they looked beautiful. The guys were so distracted from looking at Amy, Blaze and Catherine that they didn't know that Sally, Mina and Scoria were watching them and were each holding a drop of their love potion. As they were all getting ready Psyco and Thunder were on stage with smiles. So they all got ready to announce the competitors.

     "Hello everyone and welcome to the Competition of Japanese Music." Thunder said as everyone cheered.

     "Today we have 16 guests entering this competition." Psyco said.

     "Each contestant will be a song but in Japan version." Thunder said and everyone cheered for them.

     Meanwhile at backstage everyone was getting ready for the competition and putting on final touches and getting ready. While the girls were getting ready (By that I mean Amy, Catherine and Blaze) they saw a teenage girl wearing a beautiful dress that was purple and wearing some accessories on her hair and her eyes were brown and her hair was in a little braid bun and some of the  rest of her hair were reaching her back. The girls were amazed and decided to talk to her.

     "Um excuse us." Amy asked as she, Blaze and Catherine were walking up to the teenager.

     "Hmm." ??? said as she turned around and saw Amy, Blaze and Catherine, "Can I help you"

     "Not really but you look so pretty in that outfit." Blaze said as she smiled at the teenager.

     "Why thank you. I made it myself." she said smiling.

     "So what's your name?



Me: Well hey there guys it has been so long since I last continued this story but now that I'm back I can continue this story since now that I'm taking a little break so I should be back into making stories for now

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