Chapter 7: Start making the love potion.

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Me: Well here is my 9 page of this story so hope you'll understand that this is very long. So hope you'll understand and some of these characters I don't own but some are made up. Anyway lets continue Moi.

When everyone was fast asleep, 3 figures were sneaking in Amy's house but they were very quiet and trying not to wake up the girls. One figure was heading into Amy's room (Where Amy, Blaze and Catherine are sleeping) quietly snuck in Amy's room and grabbed a piece of Amy, Catherine and Blaze is fur while the other two were making sure that the girls were fast asleep.

When the figure got the girls is fur that person quietly left the girls is room and then they left Amy's house and went to an alley way where there was a boiling pot of something red in it and then the 3 figures took off their masks and reavealed themselves. It was Sally, Scoria and Mina with evil smiles on their faces.

"Finally were have a piece of each of those annoying girls is fur." Sally said as she placed the pieces of fur in the boiling pot.

"Yeah. Now that we entered that competition we could win Sonic, Manic and Silver's heart." Scoria said as she started to moved the boiling pot.

"That way we can win those guys is heart and when they fall for us the girls is heart will be broken and we'll win for sure." Mina said as she took out 3 cup with the guys is names and was ready for the love potion.

When the potion was ready Scoria poured the love potion in the cups and Mina putted the top on each of the cups and shook it to make it become the color pink and Sally got the love song for the guys (and its in Japanese) and the girls smiled evilly and waited for next week for the Competition of Music.

Me: Well I know this is short you guys but I couldn't think of anything else for this chapter cause I'm very busy so I hope you understand that and respect that so thank you.

Sonamy & Silvaze: A Music To The Best Heart [REMAKING]Where stories live. Discover now