Chapter 4: Sisters

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"Oh." Jiji put the sari she was folding away and stared at the floor, "I was really scared at first, every woman is, but it's a normal part of life."

"But Jiji," Khushi fiddled with her dupatta, "I don't ... I don't understand what happens, exactly."

"Weren't you paying attention in school?"

"No!" Khushi gasped, "Hai Devi Maiyya. What if Amma found out that I went to those classes? No! I skipped them all."

"Khushi," Jiji sighed, "you really are as crazy as Bua-ji says you are."

Khushi watched as her sister tapped out a message on her phone.

"Who are you texting?" she squealed, "Are you telling Arnav-ji?"

"What!? No! Khushi I'm not cruel."

"Then?" she asked sullenly.

"I'm telling Di that I can't come to the temple with her. This is more important."

Khushi's heart thudded in a painfully fast rhythm as she went back to folding clothes. Regret churned in her belly.

"Khushi, stop that and sit next to me."

Her sister took her hand as Khushi moved to sit with her. "Don't worry so much, Khushi. Arnav-ji loves you very much, I'm sure he'll make sure you're comfortable."

Khushi nodded and bit her lip. When she spoke, her voice quivered despite her attempts to steady it.

"Jiji, I don't think I'm ready for children right now."

"Talk to Arnav-ji about it," her sister urged, "Don't hide things from him, Khushi, he's your husband. It's important that you talk to him."

"But ..." Khushi blushed, "what about the kissing? What if ..."

Jiji laughed, but quickly cut it off when Khushi looked up at her.

"Kissing doesn't make babies. It takes a lot more than kissing to make babies. But even then there are things that he can do, and that you can do, to avoid children until you're both ready. Talk to him about it."

Khushi sagged with relief, and then registered the rest of her sister's words.

"What do you mean, 'a lot more'?"

"Payal-ji? Khushi-ji?"

They were interrupted by Di, who had appeared at the door with Hari Prakash-ji in tow. Khushi looked between her sister and sister-in-law.

Did Di hear anything? Will she tell Arnav-ji?

"Oh I'm so glad I found you," Di continued, "We looked everywhere. Khushi-ji, Chhote is asking for you. He's in the study."

"Oh," Khushi looked uncertainly at Jiji, "I'll see what he wants. Thanks Jiji, for everything."

She walked slowly to the study, processing everything Jiji had told her. There was, apparently, a lot more she had to learn. She blushed as she rounded the corridor and glimpsed her husband, hunched over some papers on the couch.

Will he know what I was asking Jiji just by looking at me? Sometimes it feels like he can read my mind.

"Arnav-ji? Is something wrong?" she asked as she sat down.

He glanced at her, distracted by the document he was reading. "What? No, no. I just ... hold on."

Khushi toyed with her dupatta as she waited for him to finish. He signed whatever he was reading with a flourish and turned to her.

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