Chapter 10: Jalebi

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The next morning, Khushi was brushed, washed, and packed when a knock sounded on the door. She raced around Bua-ji, eager to see him despite the war that raged within her. A part of her was desperate to leave with him, but the rest of her was just as desperate to stay.

To avoid the conversation we must have.

"Ready?" Arnav-ji asked, mischief twinkling in his eyes, and she smiled at the flood of memories.

The anticipation of every morning as she'd waited for him, the dizzying relief of her first glimpse of him, the weakness in her knees when he greeted her with that one word, the electricity in every stolen glance and every secret touch. She was reminded, all over again, of just how much they'd overcome.

"Sanka Devi! Let Arnav-babua come inside! Why are you standing there like a statue?"

He grinned, instantly chasing away some of her worries, and stepped inside to greet Bua-ji after throwing her a quick wink.

Tonight, Khushi promised herself, I'll speak to him tonight.

They left after a meal that was neither breakfast nor lunch (brunch, Arnav-ji called it later, as if he could just invent words like that), and their day passed in a whirlwind of activity. First shopping for their honeymoon, then a quick bite at a cute restaurant, and finally, a trip to Arnav-ji's office to pick up a mysterious parcel. Khushi spent much of the afternoon distributing presents from her family and recounting Arnav-ji's visit. Nani-ji had tutted, shaking her head, Mama had laughed uproariously, and Di had taken a swipe at his head, scolding him.

Late afternoon found Khushi traipsing up the stairs to Jiji's bedroom, muttering as she steeled herself, only to find that Jiji and Jija-ji had gone out. And although she hesitated every time she passed Di's door for the rest of the day, she couldn't bring herself to knock and ask her questions.

How will I talk to Di about kissing Arnav-ji?

She ate her dinner in silence, answering questions with nods and quick mutters, and ignored her husband's penetrating stare as best she could.

When they finally retired to their bedroom, Khushi's heart hammering and her questions stuck in her throat, he pulled her onto his lap as he sat on the sofa. Arnav-ji distracted her with his sweet words, and one kiss turned into two and three and four. They celebrated her return to their bed enthusiastically, their touches becoming more sure and their explorations more confident. He ignited her somehow, reducing her to a bundle of pure sensation, but pulled away and urged her to sleep when it was the last thing she wanted to do.

The ache he'd inspired still hadn't gone away.

But now she was trapped. Arnav-ji's arm was a heavy weight draped across her body, making it hard to breathe. Khushi tried to lift his hand but he held tighter in his sleep. She squirmed, struggling to free herself, before giving up.

"Arnav-ji," she whispered.

"Khushi," was his answering mumble.

"Arnav-ji, wake up."

He smiled, eyes still closed, and pulled her closer.

"Do you want more?"

He kissed along her jaw drowsily as Khushi blushed.

Always. That's the problem.

She pushed him away gently, whispering an explanation, "I need to go downstairs."

A sliver of moonlight came through the tiny gap in the curtains, falling on Arnav-ji as he sat up.

"Khushi, are you okay?"

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