Chapter 6: Pruning

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The next morning, Khushi was fiddling with the shears at the poolside, trying to remember what Arnav-ji had told her about pruning. She caught movement out of the corner of her eye. Arnav-ji had just emerged from the bathroom, wearing his dress-pants and nothing else.

Khushi froze. Her mouth went dry and suddenly there wasn't enough air in her lungs. She knew she should look away – he didn't know she could see him – but she watched the muscles in his shoulders and back ripple as he fished something out of his bedside table. He sat on the bed as he held it to his finger, and frowned at the strip of paper that came out of it.

Checking his sugar, she realised.

Arnav-ji rummaged in his drawer again before standing with his back to her. He was holding a syringe when he turned around. Khushi watched as he tapped it. He pinched the skin of his torso between his fingers, and she turned around with a gasp, squeezing her eyes shut, as he moved his other hand.

Hai Devi Maiyya. He's so brave, to do that every day.

A deep melancholy rose within her. She knew he couldn't have sugar, and had even revived him when he'd fainted in the kitchen, but seeing him check his sugar and use a syringe somehow made it more real.

It was many long minutes before she could turn around again. Khushi watched, blushing slightly, as he picked out a shirt and shrugged it on, leaving it unbuttoned as he decided between the two ties he held in his hands. He threw one on the bed, next to the waistcoat and jacket from his suit, and returned the other to the hanger.

When Arnav-ji turned, doing up the buttons of his shirt, his eyes found Khushi. She quickly turned around, pretending to be absorbed in picking a branch to cut.

"Khushi," he called.

She closed her eyes and mumbled a prayer before going inside. Arnav-ji was knotting his tie, his movements quick and precise. Khushi saw amusement glint in his eyes.

"Are you ready for today?"

She breathed a sigh of relief that he was choosing to ignore what he'd seen.

"Yes. Nani-ji gave me the gifts for the shagun and Bua-ji is coming to pick me up at ten."

"I put something on the shelf for you take as well," he indicated with his eyes, his hands still busy with the tie.

Khushi found three packages on the shelf inside the wardrobe, neatly gift wrapped and tagged with "Bua-ji", "Aunty" and "Uncle".

"What are they?" she picked up the biggest one and shook it gently.

"Ahh, that one's Bua-ji's. A pooja thaal. There's also a sari for your mother and a kurta for your father."

She turned to her husband, who was now buttoning up his waistcoat, unaware of how emotional his gesture had made her.

"I love how you think of them as your own family," she walked over and slipped her arms around him, burrowing into his chest.

Arnav-ji stroked her hair, "They are my family, Khushi."

Bua-ji arrived just after ten and was quickly seated into the living room with the entire family. Jiji and Jija-ji took blessings and talked to her while Khushi prepared tea for everyone. She took the tray out just as Arnav-ji came down the stairs, and happiness – warm and golden – burst inside her as she watched him touch Bua-ji's feet in obeisance.

Everyone exchanged pleasantries while Khushi served the tea. Unsurprisingly, Bua-ji declined, clinging to her traditional views that one should not eat or drink in a daughter's sasuraal. Khushi had left her husband for last and handed him his sugar free tea before sitting next to him.

"You are sending too many gifts yet again, Devyani-ji," Bua-ji objected to the gifts that were piled on the coffee table, "We don't need these gifts, we're just happy that Khushi is welcome in your home."

"Nonsense," replied Nani-ji, "we're only sending you gifts as appropriate. We've promised to keep both Khushi and Payal happy here, but we'll always remember that you gave us both our daughters-in-law."

Mami-ji mumbled something that sounded like "Buy one, get one free," which caused Jija-ji to narrow his eyes at her. Arnav-ji briefly took Khushi's hand, silently apologizing for his aunt's barbed comments. She turned to him with a smile, assuring him that it didn't bother her.

When it was time to leave, Jiji walked with Bua-ji while Khushi and Arnav-ji trailed them. He loaded the gifts and her bag into the waiting auto-rickshaw.

"Arnav-babua, there was no need to send so many gifts!" Bua-ji repeated her complaint.

He shook his head, "No, Bua-ji. Whatever we do, it will never equal your generosity in allowing Akash and I to marry your nieces."

Khushi smiled as Bua-ji pulled his head down and kissed his forehead, bestowing her Nand Kishore's blessings. Jiji left after kissing Bua-ji goodbye, and Bua-ji climbed into the rickshaw, giving them some privacy.

"Take care of yourself, Khushi," he pressed a quick kiss to her temple as he hugged her tightly, "I love you."

"I love you too."

Arnav-ji helped her into the rickshaw and then ducked his head inside.

"I'll come and pick her up early tomorrow morning," he told Bua-ji.

"Good, good," she said with a smile.

He squeezed Khushi's hand briefly in farewell and allowed the rickshaw to drive off.

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