Chapter 8: Pakeezah

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Arnav-ji swore and paced the length of the room. He didn't notice when Khushi reached for him and she twisted her hands together as she waited for him to speak.

"I think," he stopped in front of her, "we should leave."

"What! No!"

"Khushi," he closed his eyes, exasperated, "let's go home. We'll go out, explain, and leave."

"Arnav-ji, I can't."

"Why not?" his eyebrow rose.

"This is important to me," she gave him a tentative smile, "You see, the bride is like the goddess Lakshmi and we return because-"

He kissed her, cradling her head with one hand while the other other splayed across her back, pulling her close. Khushi gasped. He deepened the kiss.

"You know I don't understand these things," he chided as he pulled away.

"But, Arnav-ji ..."

"Home, Khushi," he cajoled, running his nose across her cheek, kissing her jaw, "Our room. Our bed."

He trailed kisses across her jaw and down her neck.

"N-n-no," her voice was barely a whisper.

Arnav-ji released her slowly, "Are you being serious?"

She nodded, still breathless with the possibilities he presented.

"Well, then," he ran a hand through his hair, "Wait ... you haven't eaten?"

"I had chaat. Bua-ji doesn't think it counts."

"Khushi ..." he kissed her hair, smiling, "You need to eat, and I should let you spend time with your family. I'll apologise and go."

Khushi shook her head, "No. It was both of us. We should check on Bua-ji together."

He kissed her quickly and followed her out to the front room. Amma and Babu-ji looked up as they entered, unsurprised to see Arnav-ji. Bua-ji had obviously told them everything.

"Bitwa, would you like to eat something?" Amma asked him with a smile.

"Uhhh ... yes?" Arnav-ji threw her a bewildered look as Amma dragged him away by the hand.

Khushi watched as her family steadfastly ignored the strangeness of the situation. Amma seated Arnav-ji at one end of the table and served him food while politely asking after his Nani and sister. He gave short answers, still confused.

Bua-ji came up behind Khushi. "Parmeshwari, you should eat too."

"But ... Bua-ji ..."

"Hai re Nand Kishore. Shush! Just go and sit down."

Khushi took a seat next to him as her family joined them. The meal passed with polite conversation.

"By the way, Arnav-bitwa, what brought you here?" Amma asked as she refilled his glass with water, a mischievous glint in her eye.

"I ... Aunty ... You see ... Khushi ..." he lapsed into silence.

Amma laughed.

"Why are you teasing him?" Bua-ji frowned, "Garima, stop pestering my damaad."

Khushi turned to see her father smiling and couldn't stop her own smile. She fell in love with Arnav-ji a little more as she watched him smile, laugh, and joke with her family. Then, he caught sight of the TV.

"I hate this movie," he complained, looking at Khushi.


"It's so silly," he gestured, as if he could convey how silly it was with just his hands, "He falls in love with her feet. Her feet, Khushi."

"I think it's romantic," Khushi countered, "They fall in love without saying a single word."

"It's ridiculous. What if her voice was all nasally?"

Amma and Bua-ji laughed.

"You know, Arnav-babua," Bua-ji began, "When I first met Khushi's Fufa I didn't know what to think. He was this tall, shy man sitting on my parent's best sofa, the cup of tea I'd made him clutched in his hands. He looked at me once. In two hours, just once, Nand Kishore! But, he told his sister that he wanted to marry me right there, as he was leaving our home. Sometimes one look is all it takes."

Arnav-ji took her hand under the table. She tried to twist it free but he held firm.

"And Shashi-babua," Bua-ji continued, "You should've seen him when we went to see Garima. His hands shook like nothing else. And Garima, she was hiding behind her dupatta the whole time. Khushi, your mother never let Garima forget it either, she was forever teasing her about it."

Khushi giggled and watched her parents exchange embarrassed glances as Arnav-ji traced his thumb over her knuckles. She kicked him under the table. He pinched her hand in warning.

"Now Arnav-bitwa, Khushi's mother and father were something else entirely," Amma decided to join in, "They were childhood friends. Her father had decided that he wanted to marry her mother years earlier. But when he came with his family to ask, she refused. He left for college, and when he returned he asked after her mother again. They fell in love. When he came to ask for her hand the second time, she couldn't say yes quickly enough."

Khushi blinked away sudden tears. Arnav-ji's hand tightened around hers.

"And you two," Amma smiled that them, "Well. I know it's all very modern to fall in love first. Aakash-bitwa and Payaliya did it too. But the two of you ... You couldn't take your eyes off each other. Absolutely shameless. Khushi, did you know he was staring as if you might disappear at any moment?"

Arnav-ji concentrated on his plate and refused to look up, even when Khushi squeezed his hand.

"Khushi, on the other hand, she tried to pretend she wasn't looking at you. But every time I looked over, bitwa, she was watching you from under her lashes. Trying to be sly about it."

Khushi blushed.

"Awww, look at these two," Bua-ji sang, "we've made them shy. Come Garima, let's clear the table and leave them alone."

Amma wheeled Babu-ji into the bedroom, Bua-ji disappeared into the kitchen, and they were left alone at the table.

"Love you Khushi," he whispered, taking their linked hands and kissing the back of hers, "I should go."

Khushi cleared the table while he said his farewells and then walked him to his car. Arnav-ji pulled her into his arms.

"I love you," she said, suddenly reluctant to let him go, "I'll see you tomorrow."

He pressed a quick kiss to her lips. "Good night. Dream about me."

She stood on the verandah and waved until his car disappeared into the narrow alleyways of Laxmi Nagar.

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