Chapter 14

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Harry's POV

My mind was shattered after the stupid invitation I gave Helen Sethi. Impulsive, I decided to get rid of the irrational fear I had towards her, by growing in confidence. Well. Helen wasn't the boss anymore. Now, I had to consider her as my girl's mother that I should make efforts to make her like me, too. I wasn't blind or dumb. It took months to make her daughter to trust me.

Helen and Evelyn were isolated in the other room of the boutique and we could hear them screaming at each other's face. I didn't want to interfere, it would only result into increasing Helen's hate towards me.

I ran my hand through my hair, sighing heavily.

"Do you want a drink?" Vicki asked me with a weak smile on her lips.

"No, thanks." I hissed, making the thousand paces between the table where she was seated and the wall. She knew nothing about our problems. However, the threatening glares Helen threw me were enough to uncover the mystery.

"They were so happy a few minutes ago." She sighed, leafing through her book of drawings.

"It's my entire fault." I groaned, walking towards the show room. "Sorry for bothering you."

Vicki nodded at me, offering me an encouraging smile. I walked through the unclothed dummies, looking for Evelyn. I only needed to follow the noises they made by arguing.

"You can't be with this man!" I could recognize Helen's voice boom. I chose not to move anymore, waiting for her to continue. They were in the back of the room, behind dummies. Evelyn was looking at Helen, they were throwing each other their best hateful stares. "My old employee's son! Don't you know how much I'm ashamed? You only do this to provoke me, right?"

"No, I want to be with him! It isn't about you, it's all about me." she snapped, invading her mother's personal space. Helen rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. Narrowing her eyes, she put her hands above Eve's shoulder, trying to make eye contact.

"I raised you to be an influential woman and keep the fame I hardly worked for." Evelyn escaped her stare, despite her mother's insistence. Helen didn't change at all. However, she somehow was right. "You left O'Connor and Wiesenthal for that man who has nothing to offer you. And it's a shame for me that my daughter is with such an insignificant ex-employee."

My hands twisted into balls and my body froze, due to the hate growing in me. I could feel the blood pumped in specific spots of my arms. Evelyn and I weren't even officially together for a week and everyone already menaced our relationship to break into pieces. But Helen was right about me: I had nothing to offer Evelyn. She was used to the luxury of life. People covered her with precious things, expensive dresses and golden walls.

The feeling of defeat made me release my fists. Even though I would try everything to make her appreciate me, Helen wouldn't be able to see behind the appearances. Only wealth mattered in our world. Nothing else.

"Evelyn, you have to choose. Either me and a bright future or with Anne's son."

Helen removed her hands from Eve's shoulders. She observed Eve, waiting for a response. My throat started to tighten when Eve froze. Her head ducked down, I couldn't manage to see her face. I hardly breathed in when her response took more minutes to come out. I couldn't blame her, she had to choose between her blood and her feelings. A few hours ago, she looked overwhelmed when she left to meet Helen.

Haziness (Sequel to Business) |H.S|Where stories live. Discover now