Chapter 17

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Harry, this must be a joke.” She had said. Her eyes grew wider, begging for response from her son.

Her face had fallen into pieces, within a few seconds. The two women next to her made a few steps back, as Harry cleared his throat to dismiss them. They disappeared in the next moment, leaving the three of us at the door.

I looked up to Harry. I was hanging to his lips, waiting for him to utter a word, too. He clenched his jaw, a frown earning larger place on his forehead. The air was filled with the tension emanating from the two of us, which I found too suffocating.

“It isn’t,” his voice came out raspy. Her frown displayed lack of understanding. She slightly shook her head, the disappointment growing in her eyes. She still begged in her son’s eyes for the truth. But that was the truth and she wasn’t able to change it: Harry and I were together.

“Oh, you two are finally here!” Harry’s grandma appeared from my left, a large smile on her lips. Her arrival alleviated the heaviness of the atmosphere.

She patted my back and pushed me further into the unwelcoming living room. Anne moved aside, as Harry and I fully entered the room. He placed the bear and my bag on the sofa.

“We were about to have dinner, love. Take a seat,” the sweet lady told me.

“Mom!” Anne scolded her mother, but she ignored  it.

The ease wasn’t at the rendezvous, despite the woman’s gentleness. Anne obviously didn’t want me in this place, with her family. She threw a glare at her mother who was guiding me to the large table. She let my hand free and I rubbed my wrist, her old hand being too rough for my liking.

I was in the middle of the room where the wooden table for twelve occupied a good space.

The living room happened to be the dining room as well. The walls were colourful, reminding me of Harry’s apartment before Angie moved in. The furniture were old; the TV, too. The place should be welcoming if the people occupying it were, too.

The two women that were by Anne’s side earlier, came in by a second door, at the other side of the large room. They brought food in trays, while talking; however, their eyes would glance in our direction, on occasion. Three other girls entered the room, not paying attention to our presence, but took immediately place at the table.

Then, a bald, old man made his appearance, until then Harry was the only man present. He noticed Harry’s presence, and a large smile crept on his black lips. He opened up his arms and made a few steps towards Harry.

“Pops,” Harry squealed, embracing firmly the man. The man poked on Harry’s shoulder for a few times, before they broke the embrace.

“Four years, kid!” he laughed, punching Harry’s shoulder with his fist.

“Yeah,” he almost sighed, as if he regretted these four years. The mystery remained complete around Harry, it even grew at every word his family said. Didn’t he come last Christmas? I thought he did, at least, since he bought so many gifts from Manchester City. Everyone was missing him as if he never came in a decade.

They all took place at the table. A few places remained empty and I guessed they were for his sister. And Harry’s grandmother almost forced me into sitting. I felt uncomfortable, sitting at a table where a family needed to gather, without me. I was just spoiling their time together.

People eyed me questioningly, at least, the one who didn’t know me, yet.

“Evelyn is Harry’s girlfriend. She’s going to stay, so I want you all to be nice.” The woman introduced me before sitting on my right, Harry being on my left.

Haziness (Sequel to Business) |H.S|Where stories live. Discover now