chapter 6

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C6: ten days in distress

it's been ten days since I came home and I already feel like I'm being suffocated, I have been running around for as long as I got here, my dad has been on my case, mother with all her make up , dresses and heels isn't helping me either, and then there is Adeline.

I agree that it was wrong of me to just pack and leave all my responsibilities on her shoulders but i needed to grow, I needed to find my own path and I wasn't going to get any of that here in Casavanna.

looking down at the white roses that seemed grey in this dark morning I smilled as the picture of those grey eyes and hair and the annoyance he seemed to always have, what an interesting man he was I........., a knock on the door distracted me away from my thoughts

" come in " I shouted and adjust my sitting position on the Window to a proper one, Adeline walked in dressed in a knee-length dress with long sleeves, her hair which she inherited from our mother

Brown and shoulder length, was straightened and tied neatly at the back of her head, her skin was 2 shades lighter than mine, my sister was what one would call breath taking.

" oh !Adeline... I want to talk to you so....."before I could finish she cut me off.

" Mother wanted you to know that you have to go to Kamile for a charity event, you are to wear the green dress, not your jeans. " she said then turned and was about to leave.

" what did I ever do Adeline, why do you hate me so much! "I asked, she stopped halfway, she stood there for a while.
" What did you ever do? you ask?, what did you ever do Vero?, I'll tell you, you have done absolutely nothing, nothing at all, but still father gave you everything, I am the older one, it should have been my right,heck it is my right, but you snatched that away from, did you not?"

By the end of that she was shouting and I couldn't believe that those words came out of her mouth, I didn't even have the energy to respond, I just stared at her like time had frozen.

She was my sister and I was not the one who asked our father to give me all the responsibilities, heck I did not even want any part of it, but she couldn't understand, no one understands.

Being here was a torture it self, I did not ask for any of this but here I was being blamed for things that I couldn't control.

I watched as Adeline's heels clicked as she made her way out of the door, right there I couldn't help myself but cry.


To say that Dinner was awkward, was putting it easy, after Adeline left and I had cried myself enough ,I had picked myself up and got ready for the charity even, dressed as they wanted me to, walked the way they wanted me to and smiled that smile which was painted on my face.

I felt like the walking dead, right then and there, everything was off, yet no one seemed to notice how suffocated I was.

When I came back, it was late evening, my feet where itching and I just wanted to sleep, but goodness I couldn't even get that much, instead I was shoved to yet another dress and heels, and called to have the so called 'family ' dinner, and here I was sitting with my family yet it felt like i was in a room full of judges and I was being intervied for a job.

"So, I know that you did not want a welcome back party, but it is important that people are aware of your return " my mother announced And I just nodded at that, its not like if I say otherwise anyone was going to listen to me.

"I will have someone plan the event and all of that "she continued.

"And she gets it all" Adeline mumbled, seeing as I was sitting next to her I heard her very well.

We kept eating until I had had enough of all of it. "May I be excused" I told everyone before standing to leave.

"Before you Leave, I have something to announce myself. "My father's voice boomed and I paused.

"Adeline is already getting married, you have been a rebel for too long Veronica, the time has come for you to settle down, as your father I saw it fit to find you the perfect suitor, along with your welcoming party, we will announce your engagement as well."

He spoke with so much finality that one could tell there was no room for argument, I stood there defeated, this was a misery, being my father's daughter was a curse and as much as I wanted to say otherwise the only words that left my mouth was: "yes father" then I walked to my chambers.

I didn't even have the energy to cry, so I just laid there on my bed and envied those who had freedom, freedom of speech, of choice and all others, because I did not even have freedom to walk around without someone commenting on my dress, how I looked that day or how I walked, without cameras flashing left right and centre.

Was it wrong that I only wanted to be invisible?

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