Chapter 53

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~Youngmin, Jeesu and Taeyon decided to hike Shinbi Mountain already. It’s been hours of walking on the rocky path and they were all tired, fortunately for them they haven’t encountered a demon yet, Jeesu thought that if the old woman that the hyenas were talking about is the one that could grant him a wish, probably she lives somewhere in the mountain.

“Yah Youngmin, could we just ride on your back and try locating if there is a house nearby? I’m super tired!” Taeyon panted wiping her sweat.

“We can’t do that; we’ll risk being caught by other demons…” Jeesu replied panting as well, Youngmin didn’t even reply because he was out of breath too, and flying would drain the very last energy he has. Taeyon frowned and continued walking, almost tripping on a rock.

Youngmin noticed that there were mangos on the trees nearby and he picked a pebble throwing it on the branch, a mango fell and he caught it happily eating the fruit, he didn’t realized that he had hit a beehive hanging on the tree. As the three walked a buzzing sound disturbed Taeyon, he was waving her hands as a bee hovered around her, “Aish! Annoying bee! Get away!” she shooed the insect but of course it was still there, then Jeesu ended her problem when he shoot the bee with a kindle of fire.

“Thanks! I thought it was going to sting me!” Taeyon said and Jeesu smiled.

“How much more must we walk?” Youngmin whined sharing his mango to Taeyon, then Jeesu’s ear suddenly twitched, he stopped walking and looked around. The woods were peaceful yet he could hear something, hundreds of them were slowly gaining distance, buzzing sounds that were faint then a few seconds past they became louder and louder as they approach.

“Do you hear that?” Jeesu asked the two who looked at him with a clueless expression, and they focused their hearing then they heard the buzzing sounds as well.

“Bees…probably lots of them are here no big deal!” Youngmin scoffed ignoring the buzzing sound but Jeesu couldn’t just ignore it since it sounded strange for that buzzing to be so many, he turned his head and looked up, and his eyes widened as he saw a swarm of giant bees heading towards them and they were only a few meters away.

“Oh crap!” Jeesu shouted while Youngmin and Taeyon turned their heads and looked to where Jeesu was looking, their jaws dropped seeing the giant bees gaining speed to sting them.

“Run damn it! RUN!” Youngmin commanded and quickly turned his heel to scram, Jeesu and Taeyon did the same thing and now they are running for their lives not to get sting by any of the bees, who were obviously angered by one of them dying by Jeesu’s fire.

“Oh God please help us!” Taeyon suddenly prayed, the path that they were running on had a dead end which she thought was a cliff, they couldn’t change direction also because they would be face to face with the bees who were only five feet away from them. They were all screaming and shouting, they didn’t want to jump on the cliff but when they halted they slipped and began sliding down a slope. The three of them were trying to grab hold of something so they wouldn’t fall but if they stayed there the bees would get them so they let themselves slide on the slope which was leading to something that made their faces cringe…a pool of mud.

Mud splashed all over the place as they landed on the sticky brown pool, Taeyon immediately spit the awful stuff in her mouth as Jeesu and Youngmin made gagging noises. The bees were still looking for them so they stayed on the pool of mud for awhile so that they wouldn’t be seen.

“Oh please don’t tell me this is a pile of demon poop!” Youngmin said worriedly as he sniffed around.

“It’s not! Its mud, dirty slimy, gross mud!” Jeesu assured him, Taeyon just stayed quiet. She asked God for help and this is what she received, she didn’t complain anymore because what matters is that they are safe in their spot.

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