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"Elliot, are you okay man?" Finn asks
"Yeah I'm great. Erm, where's Liv. I wanna talk to her" he says
"I don't think that that's a good idea. She has only just woken up and, you know it's gonna take some time for you two, to get back to where you were" Finn explains
"Yeah, I know. I'm willing to wait as long as it takes"
"But I thought that you didn't want her to know it was you who gave her the kidney?"......

Olivia decides that she wants to take a nap, so she does just that. She sleeps for as long as she can, but she keeps waking up. She is desperate to find out who donated the kidney, so she can thank them in person for saving her life.
Little does she know, the one who saved her life, was the one who left her life.

A week later.

Both Olivia and Elliot are still in hospital under observation. But today is Elliot's last day, so he will be discharged at around 12 pm.

"Okay Elliot. We have ran all of the necessary tests, and you are perfectly fine to go home" doctor Harlensonchester says 
"Great" Elliot replies.
He gets out of bed and puts on the spare clothes that Finn had brought him from his house.
When he buttons up his shirt, he grabs his bag and walks for the door.
He goes outside into the reception area.
"Erm, excuse me" he says the blonde receptionist.
"Hey, how can I help you today?" She asks in an southern accent.
"I was wondering if you would tell me where Olivia Benson's room is please?" He asks
"Erm, may I ask who you are?" She questions
"I, I was the one who donated her kidney. I Erm, we, we wear old friends, I suppose" he says awkwardly
"You suppose?"
"Erm, yeah. It's, it's kinda complicated"
"Okay, well, her room is 119 on the third floor"
"Thank you"

Elliot makes his way to the room. He has no idea what he is going to say, or how she will react.
He walks to the room, and looks though the window. He sees her. Sitting up in the hospital bed, with a smartly dressed man, wearing bracers, sat next to her.
He watches them speak for a few minutes, but then the man looks at his watch. He gets up from his seat, and lightly kisses Olivia's cheek. She smiles at the gesture.
He says goodbye and walks out of the door.
He stops and looks at Elliot.
"Erm, can I help you?" The man says
"Yeah, I think so" Elliot says before pausing. "Erm, is, is that Olivia?"
"Benson?" The man asks
"The one and only"

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