Shower Time!!!! XD (Ice)

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(Nightcore by VersionNightcore, just because it's called shower, and is male version XD) and pic of Ice's bathroom. And ironic thing is that I wrote most of it while bathing!!!! XD

I grab Wasure and carry him bridal style to my bathroom. Once we're there, I start removing his clothes, only to have him complain about it. So, I stop, knowing he will not be able to do it himself.

Apparently I was correct, because he could only make very feeble motions. So I say, "See, you're not strong enough to do it yourself," a tone of superiority somehow making it's way into my voice.

Then, I keep removing his clothes, and once I get down to his underwear, he starts blushing like a tomato. "What's wrong, we're both guys here?" I ask, curious.

"Nnothing," he stammers quietly. I can tell that this is extremely stressful for him, but, I do have to get him clean, so I carefully remove his underwear.

"You do know that I had to dress you after I found you because your clothes were practically falling apart. Those are actually my clothes, and luckily you were around my size when I was about two years younger, so it was better than nothing," I explain, only to have him blush harder.

"Yyou ppervert!" he yells, so I put my hand over his mouth to make him quiet.

"Shhhh, they could still be out there," I reply.

"Wwho?" he asks curious.

"Now, now, I'll tell you after the shower," I say, getting out a stool for him to sit on in the shower.

I turn on the water, and start stripping down to my boxers. I test the water with my hand, but then I notice Wasure staring at my chest.

"Jealous of my 6-packs, huh? Well of course you are," I say arrogantly, preening.

"Nno," he stammers, clearly embarrassed.

Sensing I should drop the subject, I move the stool into the shower, and then I grab Wasure to put him in, but he shrugs it off. I give him a look that says 'get in or else I'll beat your butt,' not that I really would beat him. But, that seems to do the trick, and he lets me help him into the shower.

"Thank goodness I always have body wash and shampoo here, or else there would be trouble," I say, retrieving a wash cloth, body wash, and shampoo from the closet.

When I get in the shower, I squeeze some shampoo on my hand, and start washing his hair after I turn the water off for a moment. When I turn the water back on, I place the wash cloth over his eyes to protect them from the shampoo.

That's when I notice a tiny, X-shape birthmark on his shoulder, I scrub at it with my finger, only to have him make little moans. I stop, alarmed and confused about the noises Wasure was making.

They were the cutest little things. Wait, what? What am I thinking? I turn my head to the side, blushing.

Finally, Wasure mumbles embarrassed and maybe a little turned on and out of breath, "Pplease don't touch there, it's really sensitive."

"M'kay," I reply casually, as if the moans didn't affect me at all. I look down to retrieve the body wash, only to come face to face with the hint of a rising erection. Apparently the moans affected me more than I thought, but how exactly am I going to hide this. I'm sure if Wasure saw this he would freak out.

So, I decide to ignore it because it's not a fully up, maybe it'll go back to sleep. Hopeful thinking, I know. So, I go right back to washing him, only to notice that he had his legs crossed tightly. Somehow, he had retrieved enough strength to cross his skinny, pale, little legs, but why exactly would he do that, I wonder. I guess I'll have to wait to find out, so I start washing his back once I put body wash on the wash cloth.

Once I'm done with his back, "Uncross your legs," I order, "Or I'll have to do it by force," I add once it became obvious he wouldn't cooperate. He opens his legs, and what I see astonishes me.

I see that he is, um, hard. Well, there's no way to put it delicately, or make it less awkward. So he got like this just from me touching that birthmark, that's pretty sad. But then a certain place twitches.

"Oh sh-t," I swear quietly, but then quickly say seductively, breathing on his neck, "Do you need some help there?"

"Wwhat do yyou mmean, Ice-kun?" he asks embarrassed.

"Well, I wouldn't think that you would have enough strength in your hands to jerk off, now would you? So I'll help you, but only this one time," I reply, because while I'm jerking him off, I can get rid of my own little problem.

I close my right hand around his, and my left around mine, after I pull my boxers down so that it's out. I start moving my hands, my left harder and faster than my dominant right hand.

Luckily, I've had practice with jerking off quickly and quietly, but even if I hadn't, his moans would have covered me up. It's like he doesn't know how to be quiet! But, it was helping me come, I could feel that it was just a little bit away. Then, finally, I came, quite coincidentally at the same time as him.

I quickly wash his front silently, and get out to get a towel, but a tug on my boxer's leg stops me.

"Aare yyou mmad aat mme?" Wasure mumbles, questioning me.

"No, of course not, baka!" I snap. "That's just a normal reaction to someone as awesome as myself! No matter the sex, or age, they are all attracted to me!" I say, getting back into my regular, cocky personality, "I mean, who wouldn't like me?"

I run out of the room to get clothes, because, of course, I forgot to get clean clothes. Once I reached the bag with my clothes in it, I rooted through it to find some of my smaller T-shirts and pants. I picked out an old ACDC shirt, brown drawstring shorts, and underwear I had left in a drawer a few years ago. But, for shoes Wasure has to make due with my pair of flip-flops.

For myself, I choose a cat shirt and black shorts. I put those clothes on right there, and rush back to Wasure.

When I get back to the restroom, Wasure is shivering in the corner, so I take a towel and gently dry him off. I start dressing him, and when I'm finished, I lift Wasure up and take him into the main room.

"O.k. I suppose it's about time that I explain everything. This is a panic room of sorts that I use to hide from The Forgotten. The Forgotten are these monsters who want to destroy all life and happiness. Any questions?" I explain.

But, Wasure just sat on the cot and stared, taking in what I just said.

"That doesn't sound at all familiar to me," he said.

Then, apparently I was making some scary sort of face, because he flinched.

"Oh, sorry. I'm just confused. It's been like this for as long as I can remember, so I just can't believe that it wouldn't ring any bells. I just wish that there was a way to defeat them," I sighed, feeling a bit depressed

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