How Exactly Should I Put This?

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Hehe, nightcore by xKat'ana I just really wanted to put this song here, lol!
Just gotta warn you, some pretty great and some freaky shit goes down.

When I wake up I'm back in Ice's room, but I have no clue how I got back there. Sitting up, I can see Ice-kun standing motionless by the suitcase, just staring at the door. Looking closely at him I can see a quite clear handprint in bright red on his cheek and a complicated look of remorse, sorrow, and another emotion that I just can't place on his face.

It's honestly quite shocking to see him like this, being that he's usually quite animated, confident, and charismatic. It just makes me extremely nervous and worried to see this. Before I even realized that I was moving, my arms were around him, feeling his steady heartbeat through his back.

"Nn, Wasure?!" Ice-kun exclaims, clearly surprised, his heartbeat speeding up a good amount, "What are you...?"

He tries to get me off of him, but I hug him tighter, burying my face into his back, accidentally smelling his rich, dark scent. Although Ice-kun needed this, I probably needed it just as much as he did. After a good few minutes, I finally let him go, only to be asked a question.

"Wwhat exactly was that for?" Ice-kun asks, his face completely red.

I just look down, my face probably just as brilliantly red as his.

"Sigh, well if you're not going to say anything, we're leaving," he says, grabbing the suitcase handle.

"Why did you leave here before?" I suddenly ask, surprising even myself. The urge to ask that question had just came out of nowhere and somehow came out on it's own volition.

"Nnk, w-wh... I'll tell you in the car," he replies, and having frozen in place upon hearing my words, but starts moving again toward the end of his sentence.

"Why did you leave?" I hear myself repeat, being forced to say these words again by some mysterious force. Perhaps it's...him? That other guy I saw in that weird dream, who looks exactly like me, but isn't me. It must be him because I don't really have much of a desire to know the information that I'm apparently asking for so insistently.

"Tch, come on, I'm actually getting angry now," Ice-kun fumes, clearly starting to get mad, "Can't you listen?! I SAID in the car, OK?"

He grabs my wrist tightly and begins dragging me roughly and quickly down the hall. I hardly notice the background as I'm doing all I can to not trip at this breakneck pace. When we finally stop, we're in front of a small, but well kept garage that looks very out of place with the mansion, like it came from some other time and place.

Ice, after a short pause, drags me through the garage door that he opened. Once again I'm met with the monster of a 4-seater he calls a car, so I get into the passenger side, assuming that's what he wants me to do. Apparently it is what he wanted because he gets in the driver's side with a rather large sigh, putting his head in his hands.

"Wasure," he begins, "is it okay if I show you why I left?" he asks, looking tiredly at me at the end. (Y'all can probably deduce what it might be!)

I honestly have no clue why he's asking me this after my persistent asking so I just nod back. He just looks back with a really complex look for a few moments before suddenly moving his hand toward my face. I instinctively flinch, closing my eyes, but a little later I feel a warm hand on my neck, pulling me to Ice-kun. But, before I can open my eyes, a warm, soft, slightly moist thing is on my lips. Is Ice-kun really kissing me? Doesn't he know that I'm a guy? That question makes me remember that time in the shower, making me even more confused and embarrassed. His lips' pressure disappears, but his warm breath is still on my cheek. I open my eyes only to see his flushed, flustered face only inches from my own.

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