I Still Know Nothing(Ice)

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Once again a nightcore by Zero Miz-kun!!!! Told ya that he's one of my favourites!

I wake up to someone shaking me feebly and calling me "Ice-kun." Still half awake at this point, I open my eyes, immediately recognizing Wasure. He brings his wrist up to my eyes, the bloody gash on it readily evident.

"Ice-kun, it hurts," he says, his unfocused gaze then moving from my face to his own wrist. "How did this get here?" he murmurs to himself, starting to sway a little before he faints.

Luckily I have enough wits about me to catch him before he hits the floor. Honestly this reminds me a little of when I met him. The unexplainable injuries, there's only one I can see this time but still, and the whole fainting thing, definitely reminiscent of a few days ago.

I set him down and start getting out of bed, only to notice that I'm naked and not in my room. The events that transpired last night come right back to the front of my mind once I realize those things.

I sigh heavily and start picking up the items of clothing from the otherwise bare floor. I redress myself and carefully pick Wasure up to take him back to my room for treatment. That cut is pretty ugly so I really have no clue what might have caused it. The door's fairly hard to open while carrying him, but I somehow manage to open it. Luckily enough no one else is in the hall when I go out so I scurry to my door, opening it and quickly shutting it once inside.

I set Wasure on my bed, his chest moving with each breath he takes. I take the first aid kit out of my bag and start treating the wound. Unfortunately, it looks like it needs stitches, so I use a patch on it to numb the area. Before I stitch it, I look closely at the wound, figuring out that it was caused by some kind of thin knife or blade and that it's slightly deeper than I thought it was. I carefully stitch the wound up and put a waterproof bandage on it.

Satisfied with my handiwork, I get up and start pacing to think about what we're going to do from here on out. I keep brainstorming, getting nowhere fast, when there's a tug on my sleeve. I quickly turn around and see Wasure standing next to me.

"Ice-kun, I'm hungry," he drowsily says, swaying a little bit.

"You idiot, you shouldn't be out of bed!" I say, scooping him up into my arms and carrying him back to my bed. But, when I'm setting him down on the bed, he pulls my face down to his, kissing me. Quite frankly, I'm too startled to do anything, but even if I could, his grip on me was WAY too strong. When he lets go, he falls right back to sleep though.

"I just... can't stay here. I just can't put on a front right now with everything that just happened," I mutter to myself, putting the small amount of stuff I took out of the suitcase back in.

"Nii-chan? What are you doing?" a sleepy faced Mo asks, yawning.

Uh oh, Mo found Ice packing! What do you think she'll do????
Slightly filler like, but something cool is gonna happen next chapter!

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