Wake (2)

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(This nightcore's made by your's truly, Grap Hagga)(PS: I'll have Ice after the titles of the ones from his POV, and nothing after it from the other guy's POV cuz we kinda don't know his name duh, but we may find it out, hint hint. Oh! We will also find out what Ice is hiding from. Also the pic is my drawing, super cool, right???? So doubling down on stuff I made!!!!)

"Itaidesu" I mumbled as I woke, my body stinging, and slightly, annoyingly itchy. Keeping my eyes closed, I reached my hand to scratch my arm, but when I got to my arm, I felt bandages. So, I opened my eyes only to see that my arms and legs were covered in a sea of bandages. Then I tried to look at the room I was in, but the sudden movement gave me an sharp feeling headache. "Mnn...." I said, reaching toward my head, when movement caught my eye.

Then I saw that the movement was a strange boy with 2-tone hair, well more like 3, that was black near his ears, and blonde that turns slightly red at the tips. He had so many piercings in his ears I could barely see them, well actually, it was more like 2 in each ear. Also, he had the angriest, somewhat pissed off look on his face.

"Quit staring!" he snapped, and started coming towards me. "Are you OK?" he asked after he had hovered over me a while, and took in the fact I was holding my head, "I'll get some Ibuprofen, just relax." Then he sort of sashayed sassily away around a corner that I hadn't noticed because it blended right into the bland, gray wall.

When he came back, he had a tray with toast, orange juice, and pills. "You look skinny, so you should eat," he said after seeing me staring at the tray.

"Bbbboku," I started to say, but he put the slice of toast at my mouth, stopping my sentence in it's tracks, also putting off the fact I could not speak in his language.

"Eat first, talk later, baka! You look like you're going to die if you go much longer without food!" he said somewhat worriedly and angrily. But, that made me notice something, that his face was way too close to my face, so I blushed and opened my mouth to talk, although that just made him shove the toast rudely into my mouth.

"Mnf" I complained, chewing the toast. Within a couple minutes, I finished the toast slices, but before I could talk, he handed me the pills and orange juice.

"Go on, take them, get rid of that headache." he said nonchalantly.

And so, I did as he said, only to have him take a deep breath to start saying something, or asking questions. But, I raised my hand to stop him.

"Bbbboku," I stammered, but forgot whatever I was about to say.

"Well if you're not going to say anything, I have some questions to ask. But.... I guess I should introduce myself first. I'm Ice, and this is my room," he stated calmly. And then, clearing his throat, he asked, "Now, who are you?"

"れ(Wasure) desu," I replied, surprised at the fact I knew my name, and yet knew nothing else about myself.

"Okay, now let's get down to the real question, how, and why are you here?" he asked, serious faced. It actually looked kind of hot, wait what exactly AM I thinking?!

"Nnani? Shirimasen," I replied, obviously not knowing.

"Oh," he replied, "you can't speak in my language?" Then the next question he asked was in my language. "Do you know anything other than your name?" he asked delicately and softly.

"Nnnno," I replied, stammering a bit from the fact that we were both speaking the same language now.

"I guess that can't be helped, you do have an awful bump on the back of your head, so it's not too wild to think that you have amnesia," he stated, then said, "Man! I just noticed this, but you are dirty! Let's get you to the bathroom and a shower!"

(I just noticed that Ice is a little crazy with his emotions, haha!!!!)

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