Trip and What????

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Nightcore by FuzzyKiara AND FuzzyHero. And pic of Sebastian!!!!

Once again I woke up in a strange place, not knowing how I got there. I'm pretty sure I was just in a car. Those were my first thoughts as I woke up.

"Wasure, breakfast!" Ice-kun yelled at me, "Better get up! You have to eat before we leave!"

I got up, noticing the inflection in his voice saying that he was serious. I also noticed that it seemed kind of like he was nervous or something. But, I shouldn't be analyzing him, I just met him. That thought triggered a memory&_$-7-__

"Now now, Wasure, being judgy and analytical is a big no no," a soothing female voice says from somewhere above me while the cold metal stings my back coldly.

"Darling, you shouldn't be so harsh on the boy, he's only eight," a rumbly male voice came from the same direction.

"He must learn, you know as well as me what his destiny is," the female voice replied.

"Ye-owch," I say, clutching my head once the vision's over. But, I manage to get out of the tent.

"Oh, Wasure, you don't look so good," I hear Ice-kun say before I fall into a pair of warm arms.

"Are you okay?" I hear the one holding me say before Ice-kun comes over with a glass of water and a pill.

"Here," he said, handing the pill to me I put it in my mouth and he puts the water up to my lips. "Drink," he demands, and I comply. "Good, here's some food," Ice-kun states, handing me a warm thing wrapped in foil. "It's a breakfast burrito," Ice-kun says once he sees the confused look on my face.

I eat up, the burrito tasting much better than it looks. Then we all pile into the car, but I could tell something was wrong, as Ice-kun didn't put on any music. Ice-kun seems tense, grabbing the steering wheel like he's mad or something.

"Umm, if it makes it any better, I remembered something, Ice-kun," I say to him.

"What?" Ice asks, obviously interested. So, I explain what I remembered. "That really weird, doesn't really make any sense," he says, while the two in the back are totally silent. Which, is extremely weird for Eau. I thought that you'd need to remove his vocal cords for him to shut up. But, the rest of the ride is completely silent, and I fall asleep quickly.

When I wake up, the car isn't bumping around like it was before, the ride is as smooth as it was when we were riding through town. So, I look up, only to see us approaching a giant gate set in a wall that that stretches into the forest. Right when I think we're going to crash into it, Ice-kun pushes a button on the dash and the gate opens right up. I keep looking ahead, and suddenly, I start seeing a giant building appearing almost magically from behind the trees.

Apparently I made a noise because Ice-kun says, "Yes, that is the main manor, cause of all my problems and stuff. You'll see why in a little bit."

Ice kept getting more and more upset the closer he got to the manor. When we parked before the manor in the parking lot, I finally realized how large the place was. It seemed to reach the sky.

"Woah," I hear Eau say from the back,"It's gi-ant!"

"Might as well get this over with. I've been dreading this for quite a while," Ice-kun groans.

We then go up to the front door and Ice opens the door, only to hear a loud shout come out, "Nii-chan!!!!"

"Ah, great," Ice sighs, "Now I have to introduce them all."

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