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part seven,
one day after- ;

jungkook leant on the filthy sink of his busan home bathroom. an open container of sleeping pills were spilled into the pit of his palm, and he was so goddamn close to just taking them all there and then.

the boy's tears ran down his cheeks at a fast pace, dropping onto the dirty tiles in small puddles. he brought his sweater-covered arm up, wiping the wetness away even though it returned straight after.

his chest was aching with heartbreak, with loss. he didn't want to feel this way, on the verge of completely breaking to pieces, although he knew that had already happened. jungkook continued to mutter sobs of why's under his breath as he studied the mountain of boring white pills caressing his palm.

"goodbye, my almost lover," jungkook started, picking up a tablet and placing it on his tongue and cringing when the saltiness of his tears caressed his tastebuds, "goodbye my hopeless dream."

"i'm not trying to think about you, can't you just let me be?" the maknae whimpered, reaching over to grasp the fogy glass of cool water, but was soon to change his mind, wanting to suffer the pain of swallowing the capsule dry, "so long, my luckless romance. i should've known you'd bring me heartache, almost lovers always do."

jungkook placed another pill onto his tounge, closing his eyes as it burnt his parched throat. soon enough, the small mountain of sleeping tablets decreased. jungkook found his eyes to become sleepy, as they drooped with every blink.

the boy used the last of his energy to stare at his broken self in the disgusting mirror, his greasy hair and tired eyes, wet cheeks and puffy lips, staring back at him with disgrace.

"i tried so hard to be happy, i swear, but i just can't" jungkook sobbed loudly, gritting his teeth as his arms shook, unable to support his lifeless body anymore on the sink.

the pills dropped to the floor and so did he.

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