Chapter Fourteen: Y'all Are Gross

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When Lauren woke up the next morning, the first thing she noticed was the weight pushing her into the bed. Being someone who was used to waking up alone, Lauren was alarmed at this sudden change.

    Her eyes cracked open in fear, only to find a calming sight. She sighed back into the bed as she took it all in.

    Camila was literally on top of Lauren. One leg was draped over her hips and the other curled underneath her legs. One of Camila's arms was tucked against her chest as the other pulled Lauren from her waist. Lauren had managed to slip her arm around Camila's shoulders as the other held Camila's forearm. Not to mention how Camila's lips were almost touching Lauren's neck; her warm breaths made Lauren weak in the knees.

    They couldn't be any closer without losing a few layers. Not that Lauren was thinking about that, whatsoever.

    Now wide awake, Lauren studied Camila's sleeping face as she traced patterns into her arms. She had forgotten how beautiful Camila was when she slept. How messy her hair looked before she could tame her curls. How peaceful her face looked without frown lines and recently chewed lips.

    Lauren was taken back to the previous night.

    She couldn't refuse Camila's wishes (she never could) so she peeled off her jeans and slipped into bed. Camila immediately snuggled into Lauren's body, enjoying her cold skin against her flushed skin. Lauren felt light-headed when she recognised Camila's scent.

    She stilled where she laid as countless questions ran through her mind. She wondered if she should be in bed with Camila, feeling for her as she did. She wondered if she could trust herself to keep her hands off Camila. She wondered just what the hell Camila was doing by drawing circles into her skin.

    Camila quickly realised how tense Lauren had become. She froze before withdrawing her limbs and turning over to lay on her side. Lauren immediately felt bad, not sure if she should comfort Camila or do the same and turn over.

    On one hand, it felt wrong to hold Camila when she was in love with her, knowing she was engaged. She cared nothing for Austin, but respected Camila too much to ruin her relationship. She wouldn't force Camila's hand: she promised herself she wouldn't.

    On the other hand, it was Camila who initiated the contact. If she was OK with showing affection, why shouldn't Lauren? Was the gesture muddled in romantic subtext, a friendly gesture or simply a need for human touch? What did Camila want from her?

    All of these questions fell mute when Lauren felt the covers being pulled. Looking over, Lauren found Camila trying find some warmth from the extra covering. Or maybe she was making up for lack of contact?

    Either way, Lauren came to a decision.

    Lauren pushed her way towards Camila and slipped her arms around her waist. She kissed the back of her head and whispered in her ear, "Sorry. I didn't mean to freeze like that."

    "S'cool," Camila mumbled and pushed herself further into Lauren's frame.

    "No, it's not," Lauren murmured, pressing her forehead against the back of Camila's neck, "I'll hold you whenever you want, OK?"

    Camila mumbled something but Lauren could see the small smile on her face. Lauren kissed the back of Camila's neck and ignored how she shivered against her lips. She was just cold, right?

    Later in the night, when Camila was fast asleep and Lauren was kept awake by her insomnia, she watched Camila sleep.

    Her face was illuminated by the moonlight pouring in from the window. The contours in her face were highlighted, making her features sharper and more beautiful than ever. Her hair was pooled out on the pillow under her. Her lips were parted from her shallow breathing and honestly, Lauren had never wanted to kiss someone more than in that moment.

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