Chapter Eighteen: No More Fucking Around

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A.N: Y'all be sleeping on "Wildheart >> Camren". That's some good shit right there. It's a zombie apocalypse au aND ITS SO GOOD. Please take your gay selves over there and support that story.

Also, I'm 15 for those of you who wanted to know (turning sixteen in two and a half months but who's counting?).

Yo did anyone see that fuck shit that went down on twitter with some camrenizers threatening Lucy for (supposedly) dating Lauren. Like, I ship camren as much as the next gal but show a little human decency. Whether we think camren is real or not (I do, to some extent), Lucy (and Lauren and Camila) deserves some fucking respect.

Quick note: I only think camren is real because of that video (shown above) where you can see Camila grabbing Lauren's ass. Y'all know the one. That's the only reason.

On a lighter note, who else ships Laucy? They cute as fuck bro.

Very important: Remember that Lauren is a biased narrator.



When Lauren woke up the next morning, she immediately noticed the lack of warmth next to her. In her groggy state, her hand groped around for the body that should've been laying beside her. She was met with nothing.

Looking over, Lauren found herself alone in her bed.

Her eyes locked onto the strip of paper dangling on the edge of her beside table. She leaned over and snatched the paper up. Reading over it, she sighed into her pillow and crumpled it in her hand.

Something came up. I'm sorry. — Camila

Lauren knew exactly what that meant. Austin probably gave her some half-assed apology and she went crawling back. Lauren didn't know why she thought she could ever beat him when it came to Camila.

Now in a horrible mood (before the day even began), she ripped the blankets off her body and stomped off into the bathroom. Today would be her pity-party.

Through the morning, afternoon and late into the night, Lauren holed herself up in her room, watching Netflix and playing with Jinx. It was a slow, boring day without the little latina to keep her company. Sometimes she'd look over, expecting to hear her laugh when a terrible joke was told on the television.

She thought she was going crazy.

It was almost midnight when Junior pounded on her door. The man almost ripped the door from its hinges trying to get in. He kept screaming her name, telling her to open up.

When she finally let him in, he was a mess. His hair was sticking out in every direction, his pupils were dilating rapidly, his clothes were crumpled and he wouldn't stop talking. She couldn't understand a word he said; it was all nonsensical gibberish.

Finally, she sat him down on the couch and let him catch his breath.

"Julian killed one of ours," Junior finally said, looking at Lauren with desperation in his eyes, "not an associate, a member!"

Lauren's breath had stilled in her chest, leaving her frozen and listening to blood roaring in her ears. Licking her lips, she said, "Does that mean...?"

She trailed off, not wanting to finish that sentence. Unfortunately, Junior finished it for her, saying, "A declaration of war."

Lauren dropped down onto the seat behind her. Images of her friends and family shot and dying in the streets ran through her mind. This game of cat and mouse Julian had been playing with them had come to a head. This wasn't a few murders and muggings, this was acts of revenge and assassinations of innocent people. People like Chris and Taylor, kids with their whole lives ahead of them.

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