Chapter Fifteen: Initiation Night

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A.N: In the initiation scene, I've used a very old tradition of being sworn into the Mafia. Because of it's age and the fact that people know about it, it's more than likely outdated. Just something worth mentioning. Also...

HOLY FUCKING SHIT. 13K VIEWS???? I never thought I'd get passed 1k at most. You guys are the best, honestly.

Lmao, alternate universe where it snows in Miami.


Tonight was the night.

She had spent that Sunday at the Morello estate. They ate, talked and enjoyed each other's company. They kept a warm, sunny disposition in the day even as a thick blanket of tension hung over them. It was suffocating, having to force those smiles when her stomach was twisting in itself.

Then, after the afternoon sky vanished, she attended evening mass with the Morello family. She prayed, listened to the pastor preach, ate the blessed bread and wine, and prayed once more. Uncle Tony's wooden rosary, his gift to her, hung heavy around her neck.

So now she was back in the Morello estate, seated at the dining table. With her sat Uncle Tony, Junior and Luka. The women of the house excused themselves shortly after dinner. Something about cleaning up. Lauren knew they just couldn't be present when business was being conducted, but she wasn't so stupid as to bring it up.

Instead, she sat silently at the table, sipping at her whiskey. The alcohol was aged almost ninety years, making the burn almost unbearable. This drink was only served to pledges on their initiation night — something about the burning being cleansing.

Still, the burn reminded Lauren of why she was at the house. Her mind was going wild as she thought about her situation. She was about to be initiated into the Mafia. Sure, she wouldn't be more than an associate and an honourary Morello, but that didn't mean she would stay that way. Even more so, once you were in the Mafia, you were in for life. If shit hits the fan, it would Lauren's ass on the line as well.

She had asked herself countless times: Do I really want to do this? And countless times she told herself: Yes, I do. Yet, she couldn't get her hands to stop shaking or slow down her heart-rate.

Lauren looked up when she heard the sound of rustling. She found Junior placing a large, empty bowl in front of her on the table. As he did this, Luka unstrapped the gun from his holster and the knife up his sleeve. He placed them on either side of the bowl.

The brothers began to clear the table of accessories. When they were done, Junior placed a glass jug of water in the middle of the table. Then, the two brothers straightened up and stepped back.

Lauren took in the scene before her. The brothers stood solemnly on either side of her, wearing three-piece suits and grim expressions. The room was dimly lit, only illuminate by the moon and a few lamps scattered around. It reeked of cigar smoke and wine, both curtesy of Uncle Tony. He sat on the other end of the table, puffing out large clouds of smoke.

All in all, the tense silence gave the whole scene a very sinister feel to it.

Just as Lauren was waiting for something to happen, Uncle Tony put his cigar down onto the ashtray beside him. He downed his wine before rising to his feet.

In a solemn tone, he said, "Lauren Michelle Jauregui. You stand before my sons and I offering your loyalty to my family. You wish to swear your life to my family. You swear to never betray this family. You swear to never meddle in any other member's affairs. Is this true?"

"It is." Lauren said, swallowing down a lump in her throat.

"Do you swear to protect this family by thinking rationally?" Junior asked beside her, his voice nearly identical to his father, "Do you promise to work under the radar, never to endanger the family with unwanted attention?"

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