Chapter Two: Introductions Are In Order

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As the cab pulled into the driveway, Lauren spotted her babies parked in the garage. There, in all their glory, sat her custom made Zimmer Golden Spirit and Brough Superior SS100. They were her pride and joy, considering it was remade and given to her as a gift from the Morello family. Not to mention sinfully beautiful as far as vehicles go.

"Those yours, Miss?" The cabbie asked, referring to the vehicles with disbelief and awe in his voice.

Lauren, with a proud smile, said, "You're damn right they are."

"You're a lucky gal." The cabbie laughed and added, "That'll be $79, Miss."

She fished out some notes from her pocket and handed them over without a second thought. Just as she was stepping out of the car, he called out to her.

After she stuck her head back in the car, he said, "I don't have any change for this."

Looking down, Lauren realised she had paid the man two hundred dollars. Shrugging, she said, "Merry Christmas."

There was a small pause as she exited the car, followed by booming laughter. Lauren smiled at that, knowing at least one person would have a good Christmas.

The second her feet hit the pavement, the winter wind hit her skin like a tidal wave. Her eyes stung from the cold which seemed to seep into her bones. Even though Miami had the hottest winter in the US, Lauren never dealt well with cold of any kind.

After watching the cab speed off into the night, luggage in hand, she took a good look at her house. From the money she got from her music career, she bought her family the house they deserved. It was double-storied with a porch, painted deep blue and white (Taylor got the final say, as the youngest in the family). It was currently adorned with Christmas lights and decorations, including the inflatable Santa that kept singing "Jingle Bells".

Lauren finally lost the homesickness that had been plaguing her body for months, in a matter of seconds.

Waltzing onto the porch, she set her luggage down and rapped on the door. She could hear the sound of Christmas music being played from inside, as well as laughter and chatter. Hopefully she wasn't too late for the party.

Suddenly, the door was yanked open and there stood Normani. Seeing her in person, rather than from a blurry screen, was better than Lauren could've imagined.

"Lolo!" Normani yelled, pulling Lauren into a bear-hug that knocked the wind out of her lungs. Despite the lack of air, Lauren hugged back with as much force as she could muster.

"'Mani! You're killing me." She breathed out, gasping when Normani pulled away.

She didn't wait for Lauren to catch her breath before she was dragging her and her luggage into her house.

"We've got to hurry. Everyone's already in the living room so we can probably sneak up to your room before your Mum figures out you're here." Normani said as she races up the stairs, "You definitely need to change your outfit."

Lauren hadn't had enough time to get dressed so she was still wearing her pyjamas. Pink booty shorts, an oversized jumper and bunny slippers weren't exactly party attire.

A few minutes later, Lauren waltzed out of the shower in a towel to find Normani sitting atop her bed, surrounded by potential outfits. As far as she could see, they were all dresses and heels.

"You need to hurry up, Lolo," Normani said, hopping up from the bed, "Your Mum is pacing downstairs with a rolling pin and I doubt it's for cooking."

Lauren laughed and grabbed the white dress closest to her. Normani raised her eyebrows, saying, "Really, Lolo? Isn't Gucci a bit too much for a house party?"

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