Chapter Seventeen: The Bad Date

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A.N: Lmao, sorry this took so long. I've had to study for exam week so...

Y'all can check out my tumblr (wiseturtlebear). I've got some shit about upcoming fics on it. (I swear to god, if y'all send me memes and shit)

Anyway, how old do y'all think I am? I'm curious.


Camila had texted Lauren the restaurant's address. When Lauren rolled up next to Camila, who was standing on the sidewalk in front of the restaurant, she was talking with Austin. Well, not so much talking, as she was ignoring him as he pleaded and ranted next to her.

Camila all but flung herself into the car. Lauren locked the car the moment Camila shut her door, before speeding off into the night. The sound of tyres squealing against asphalt drowned out Austin's screams.

"Fuck him, honestly!" Camila snarled as she fidgeted in her seat.

Lauren smiled fondly at her, her heart fluttering at the sight of Camila. Her dolled up face, her straightened hair, her scrunched up face — it all left Lauren weak in the knees.

"Nice to see you, too, Camila," She quipped, before adding, "You look stunning as usual."

And she did. Her dress must have cost hundreds, maybe thousands, but it was money well spent. It hugged her figure snugly, while giving her that air of elegance. Not to mention how artistically well her makeup was done.

Images of Lauren smudging Camila's lipstick using her own lips flashed through her mind. Those were quickly shoved down into the recesses of her mind.

"I can't have one nice dinner without him — Ugh!" Camila scrunched up her face, pouting slightly, and glared out the window.

After a moment of silence, Lauren asked, "Wanna talk about it?"

"No." Camila grumbled, still pouting.

Lauren smirked before counting silently: 1... 2... 3...

"Actually, yes, I do wanna talk about it!" Camila growled and Lauren laughed to herself.

Camila began to rant on about what happened. Essentially, Austin had surprised her with a romantic dinner at this fancy restaurant. It started well enough: Austin was a complete gentlemen, opening her car door, pulling out chairs, the whole shebang.

As they were chowing down on garlic bread and chicken parmigiana, they settled into quiet conversation. They had been talking about what they did while Austin was away in San Antonio.

Lauren made a mental note that Austin never talked about his stay.

Camila had mentioned how much time she had spent with Lauren. How Lauren came over regularly to have dinner with her family, or how they'd spend days sleeping over and catching up.

"I still don't like you hanging out with her," Austin said, wiping his mouth on a napkin, "She isn't good for you."

Camila had rolled her eyes, sick of his shit. She had hoped he wouldn't continue with whatever rant he had built up, likely ruining her appetite.

Sadly, he never did what she wanted.

"She's just leeching onto you because of your success, you know that, right? That's why she hovers around." Austin said this as if he was commenting on the weather, "She's using you, Camila."

Camila had never felt rage as intense as she did in that moment. In a second, she dropped her utensils onto her plate, letting it clatter loudly. She ignored the other patrons who turned around and looked at them in alarm.

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