Building Up Volume 4

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Jason's perspective

"Hey Jess" I said.
It's now Monday and we're back at school. It sucks because a lot of the girls here are annoying.
"So did you figure out what you wanted to do with the parade" I asked.
"Yeah, but I'm not allowed to show anyone" Jess said.
"Oh that's a shame because I was going to show you ours" I say devilishly.
Jess has been dying to know what they were and really wants to know.
"I'll show you tonight" she says.
"At my house" I say.
"At your house".
"Hey guys" said Brian.
"Hey" said Jess.
"Are you guys Talking about the parade" he said.
"Yeah. Oh, the only thing I can tell you is what we are wearing" said Jess excited.
"What is it" I said.
"Where so volleyball players are going to wear short shorts and the knee pads and a white tank. Swimmers are going to wear short shorts and there swimsuit or a bikini. And basketball players are going to wear a black tank that has a basketball stitched to it and short shorts" Jess said.
"But you played all three sports" said Brain.
"I know. That's the fun part about it. I have my own outfit. I'm wearing a black crop top with a basketball on it and short short shorts and the sports players are going to do something with my stomach" she said.
"Sounds exciting" I said.
"Hey where's Lucy" Brian asked.
"She has gym right now" Jess said.
"Oh yeah" said Brian.
"What are you going to do after the parade" I asked.
"Well I think go home or something" Jess said.
"Well, Brian and I will be going out for food. You want to bring Lucy and come with us" I asked.
"Yeah! Of course!"
"Cool" said Brian.
"Yeah, at least the parade is tomorrow" said Brian.
"Yeah. I can't wait" I said.

Jessica's perspective

"Hey guys I'm done with your outfits" I said.
"Cool. They look nice Sb" said Kp.
Sb is my nickname for all my sports players and most of my friends. I don't know who started it but it sands for Silver Bullet. I'm guessing because of the huge scar on my back. But you can't see it unless your right next to me.
"Yeah they look wonderful" said coach Kate.
"Thanks. I got your numbers on the back." I said.
"Nice said Scarlet.
"I like it" said Paige.
"Thanks" I said.
"How long did it take you to make these" asked Kp.
"Well, since last week" I said.
"Holy crap! There's like 20 people on each team" said Scarlett.
"Yeah I know, but for me it didn't take long. I had a lot of practice and a wonderful teacher" I say.

~~time skip~~

After getting everything set up for the parade I went to go fined Jason, Brian, and Lucy. They would be waiting for me at the cafeteria.
"Hey sorry I'm late" I say.
"It's ok. We got you food from Wendy's" said Lucy.
"Yeah! You got me a chocolate smoothie" I say excited.
"Yeah we knew you were going to like it so we got it" said Brian.
"Thanks" I say.
We go and sit down and I see Ivy starring at me. She has always had a crush on Jason and never told him. She thinks their "dating" but she is crazy.
"Hey Jess" said Jason.
"Yes" I say.
"You are going to love what my mom just got you" he said.
"What did she Hey" I asked.
"Look" he said giving me his phone.
It was a picture of a husky puppy.
"Oh my god! Is that really for me" I said.
"Yeah" said Jason.
I get up from my seat and walk over to Jason's side and hug him tight.
"Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!"
"Your welcome" he said blushing.
Now I can't wait to go to Jason's house!

Brian's perspective

"Gosh Jess, you might as well kiss him" I said.
"Yeah. Kiss him, kiss him" said Lucy.
She looked at us then kissed Jason on the cheek.
"Wow I didn't expect that" said Lucy.
"Me neither" I said.
"Well I'm excited now" said Jess.
"Why" said Lucy.
"Because I love puppy's!"
"Alright then" I said.
"I got to go. My class is going to start soon" said Lucy.
"Yeah I better go to" said Jess.
"Bye" said Jason.
"Bye ladies" I said.
When they left I looked at Jason with a smirk.
"So, how was that kiss" I said.
"Shut up" he said.
"Well we better get going. We don't want to be late for gym" I said and got up.

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