Chapter 9 Perspective

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              ••Lucy's perspective••

"I'm sorry" I said looking into Brian's eyes.
"No need to get upset."
Brian wiped my eyes and pulled me along side him.
"You should be mad too."
"I'm more understanding. Besides I haven't known you as long as Jess has."
I wondered why Jessica was mad at me. She knew about the scars a long time ago..... so to bring it back up today is kind of weird.
  "Hey Jason" Brian suddenly said.
"Hey. What are you guys doing?"
"Nothing much. What about you?"
"Same. We just got done eatting."
I looked at Jessica. She was looking at the floor not pay attention to the boys conversation. She seemed to be focused on something else.
  I grabbed her arm, raising the sleeve to her jacket. She had red lines going across her arm.
I looked at her in pure anger. I raised my hand and slapped her.
  "What's wrong with you" I yelled.
A single tear went down her cheek.
"That better be makeup" Jason budded in.
She didn't say anything. All she did was grab a wipe and wiped it off.
"Now you know how it feels to worry for the person you care about."
She looked at me for a long moment and walked away, leaving me spiraling down into a black hole.

                   ■2 days later■

"Stills nothing" Brian asked closing my locker for me.
  "She hasn't even looked at me."
"She'll come around."
Jason walked up. He didn't seem to be mad in any way, thankfully he wasn't like Jess.
"How is she" I asked.
"Practicing like a mad man" he said shaking his head.
"She just wants you to give up on it you know."
"On what" I asked.
"Your depressing shit you do on your phone."
I sighed. I didn't understand why she followed me on Instagram if she didn't like the things I posted.
  "Where is she" I asked.

           ●●Jessica's Perspective●●

Sweat driped down my forehead head and down my arms. I bounced the basketball between my legs and ran past Paige, making her fall to the floor.
  "Do you want to rest Paige" I finally asked.
"Yes please!"
I looked at the girls around me. They all seemed to be looking at me with curiosity.
  I bounced the ball between my legs until Paige was rested.
"Can you go easy on me" she asked.
"The more I go easy, the weaker your going to get."
  She groaned and got in position. I ran past her again and again until I finally stopped to give her the ball.
  "Who got Jess mad today" whispered a girl beside us.
I looked at Paige, focusing all my energy on her. She tried running past me but I manged to get in front of her. She looked at me for a split moment and took off. I was on her tail before I lost controll and fell.
I looked around to see everyone in front of me.
  "I'll be fine" I said and slowly got up.
I took a step but almost fell. Paige grabbed me and slowly put me back on the floor.
"Someone get Jason! I'll call for coach!"
I layed on the floor stunned. My leg felt like someone hit it over and over again with a hammer.
  "Jess! You ok" asked a familiar voice.
I looked up to see Lucy standing in front of me.
"I'll be fine."
"You don't look fine" Brian said.
I tried getting up again but to many girls were holding me down.
"Stay there" Lucy demanded.
"When did I ever take orders from you" I asked In a harsh tone.
  "Come on" Jason said.
He picked me up and walked towards the gym door. The whole basketball team followed as well.
             °°Brian's Perspective°°

"We need to follow them" I said grabbing Lucy's hand.
She didn't fight me. All she did was follow along side me all the way to the nurses office.
We walked in. Everyone was quite.
"Can we have a moment, ladies" I asked.
The basketball girls left the office. We all stood in silence.
"This Bullshit needs to stop" I finally said.
  "Yeah I agree" Jason replied.
"I don't understand all the depressing quotes" Jessica said not listening to Jason and I.
"My life's hard!"
"I know but you moved in with me! I thought it would stop!"
  "I'm sorry I'm not perfect" Lucy yelled.
"That's not what I said!"
"I think that's enough" I yelled.
Everyone stopped talking.
I looked at Jessica and Lucy. They didn't look at each other.
"Jessica I think your taking this a bit too far" I finally said.
"I'm taking it to far? Lucy doesn't tell you everything that's going on in her life like she does to me! She doesn't spill her guts out to you like she does to me! And honestly I miss that," she got out of the bed and limped towards me. "I miss it because I knew what  she was thinking! I knew what she was feeling and  now I'm afraid that she'll do something that she'll regret."
I starred at Jessica for a long moment. She started to cry as she spoke about her true feeling... her feelings of desperation and anger.

           ●● Jessica's Perspective●●

I stood in front of Brian waiting for him to say something. Anything at this moment..... but he didn't. He stood there baffled at what I said.
I turned around and looked at Lucy. She was standing in the same spot as before. Her eyes were wide.
"And you know what else, I feel like I can't trust anyone anymore! I feel like I can't relay on anyone because I feel alone and empty on the inside to the point were it hurts! And I don't know how to get rid of it! It's like being two halves of one whole. One side is telling me to keep it in side and the other is telling me to scream it to the world."
  I turned away from Lucy and back towards Brian.
"You can't just tell me to drop it and expect everything to go back to normal" I said and walked out of the nurses office.
  I walked through the gym doors and grabbed my bags. The girls stopped and watched me run out of the gym.
I threw my things in my car and and started driving. I wasn't intending going home or anywhere at all. I drove until my eyes told me to rest.
I walked into a restaurant called Paps. The restaurant was themed on an old fashioned burger joint.
  "You can sit anywhere" one of the waitresses said.
"Thanks" I replied gripping my backpack.
I walked to a booth and took a seat. I put my head down, wondering if anyone would be worried if I just left.
"Do you want anything, honey" a woman's voice said.
"Can I get a chocolate milkshake?"
"Of course. I'll be back in 5 minutes."
The woman walked away. She had brown hair and beautiful hazel color eyes.
I looked in my backpack and grabbed my computer. I started typing on a page full of words.
"You working on a essay" the waitress asked putting down my milkshake.
"No, it's a story" I replied.
"What's it called?"
"It's called "The Guards True Power". It's a squeal to a book I've written on this app called Watt Pad."
"I'll have to check out sometime" the waitress said smiling at me.
"When you read it make sure to tell me weather you like it or not."
"Ok I will."
I looked back at my story and started typing again. The story was going off in spirals with all the cliffhangers and battles the main character has to face.  In a way I wished so dearly that I was the main character. I wanted to be her in every way possible but she's to strong. Even If I created her... I can't be her. She was far to brave.
  My phone went off. I looked at it and saw that my mom called me more than 5 times.
I pick up the phone and Dialed her number. She picked up the phone so fast I didn't know what to do or say.
"Jessica where are you! It 9:00 on a school night!"
"I wanted to get away. I can't handle everything being thrown at me at once."
"What do you mean" my mom askes.
"I'm not as strong of a woman as you... and I wanted you to know that I really envied you, mom."
I put my hand over my mouth to stop my from making a sound.
"Jessica where are you?"
"I'll be happy soon. I'll be happy once I do something. I'll be home soon" I said hanging up the phone.
  I looked down at my hands. They were trembling to the point were I couldn't type. There were to many feelings rushing through my body.
I payed my drink off and packed my things. I put my things in the car and started driving. At the state I was in  I couldn't just run away yet. So I turned around and went home.
  Once I slammed my car door shut my mom ran outside and hugged me. She was in tears. She kept repeating "I thought you were going to kill yourself".
  Lucy looked out from the front porch. She seemed to be focused on my face. I walked in front of her waiting for a are you ok but all she did was step aside from the door.

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