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six; dreamer


"But you're very beautiful."

"I am very ugly. I should be quarantined so the public won't have to see me in daily life."

"You're so slender."

"I am just the opposite. I am so fat, they should put me in the elephant exhibit at the zoo."

"You're incredibly smart."

"I'm so stupid, it's a wonder I haven't yet been thrown out of school."

"You're humble."

"I'm selfish. I am conceited and self-centered and rude."

"You appear to be happy."

"I'm a good actress; I'm dying inside."

"You have many friends."

"Even my mirror won't look back at me. I am a loser and I am a loner."

"You are a dreamer."

"I dream for escape."

"You have a family."

"They never wanted me."

"You are loved."

"Then why didn't he love me back?"

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