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eight; crumble


"Don't you want some clarification?"

"I don't see the point of opening back up a fresh wound. It's over no matter what. I can't make him care for me."

"But if you speak to him-"

"No, I don't want to. I'm trying to heal and bringing him back into the equation can't help me. I don't want to see his stupid smile and look into those green eyes, because I know that I'm a goner."

"I'm always here to talk."

"And I don't understand why."

"It's my job; being a therapist and all."

"That's exactly it. I don't see the need for you being here, because you really don't care about me. It's just what you get paid for: to listen to my stupid problems."

"That's where you're wrong. I want to help you."

"But you aren't, because you haven't experienced what I have, and you can't understand the pain I'm going through, like I said before."

"Then why do you come to me?"

"To vent."

"You should think about your words; they hurt others. Your insults hurt me."

"That's why you shouldn't come near me."


"Because I hurt everyone I interact with. I'm a lost cause, and you're just wasting your time on me. You can tell me how much I mean and how amazing I am, but I can't see it and I never will be. I'm broken, and I break everything I touch."

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