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seven; daniel

"You are quite a thinker."

"That's what he used to say. He told me that I was so utterly lost in thought, and it was so difficult to pull me out of my daydreams. I only opened up for him."

"What is his name?"


"They say that it helps you heal if you vocally express your feelings. Can you tell me about him?"

"He has this windswept brown hair, and the colour reminds me of caramel. He is very tall; taller than me, and has kind of a gangly stature. He has freckles on his nose. And his eyes... God, his eyes are beautiful. They're like clear pools of mint green, and I swear, they hold so much emotion in them and feeling, and they are breathtaking."

"He sounds very handsome."

"That wouldn't even be the correct adjective. He is stunning."

"Tell me more about him."

"Well, he loved watching Star Wars marathons with me. He is allergic to peanut butter. He loves poetry, and is an incredible writer. I don't know how he can smash words together and make them flow so effortlessly. He loves autumn and warm cups of tea. But most of all, he loved more than anyone could care about someone as broken and hopeless as me."

"What made him 'stop caring'?"

"That's what I'm still trying to figure out for myself. I've never been able to comprehend how he lost his feelings for me or what I did wrong."

"Have you ever considered that, maybe it wasn't your fault at all? That sometimes two people just grow apart?"

"But that doesn't make sense. I would have been able to tell that we were drifting. But that never happened. Just one day, out of the blue, I caught him with her. It was our anniversary."

"You'll move on eventually. There's plenty of fish in the sea."

"But he was the only one for me."

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