Pure Bliss

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"Fuck!" Alex cursed loudly, her nails dug deeper into Jade's lower back as she bit her lip trying to keep herself from being too loud; she failed miserably. 

"You feel so good." Jade huskily whispered into Alex's ear. A delightful shiver coursed through her body. Jade thrusted her hips, hard and deep, loving the way Alex's hips arched off the bed to meet her halfway. Alex's breathing was getting heavier, her eyes were shut tight, legs felt like jelly, body on the brink of exploding. She loved the way Jade made love to her, the way she touched her in the most intimate places, how their lips molded perfectly together, how she was never short of an orgasm. 

"Ahhh...I'm...I'm..." Alex's voice got caught in her throat, feeling the familiar twist in the pit of her stomach reaching her climax dangerously fast. Her mind was lost in a hazy spell as she tried to let Jade know she would break any minute. 

"Hold it," Jade demanded. "Open your eyes." Alex did as told, being met with Jade's lust filled eyes.

"Please." Alex begged as she felt the rawness in her throat for the first time that night. Jade stopped completely, pulling out of Alex. "Wait, no."

Jade couldn't help but think back to what happened earlier this week; their fight. Things had been rocky between them at the moment, an unfinished discussion still waiting for their acknowledgment. 


"Get in the car." Jade said as she followed Alex down the busy street full of people. 

"I said I didn't want to talk to you." Alex called out, picking up her pace.

"Alexandra Ferguson, stop acting like a fucking child and get in the damn car!" Jade yelled, causing Alex to stop in her tracks as she turned around staring intensely at Jade. With determination in each step, Alex walked over to Jade, stood up tall and never once took her gaze away. 

"I have every fucking  right to be pissed off at you." Jade was slightly taken back, but she didn't let Alex see it. "You had no right doing that to Ben. He's just a friend and thanks to you he's been blacklisted by every company he's applied for." 

"Ben should've watched himself and you should've set things straight the moment I told you to." Jade countered. 

"We're talking about somebody's entire life! This isn't a fucking  game Jade. We don't don't all have daddy's money to fall back on." Alex hissed out knowing she hit a nerve as she watched Jade's eye slightly twitch from the insult. Jade took a step closer, towering over Alex's smaller frame. 

"I'm not going to argue in the middle of the street. Get.In.The.Car." Jade said through gritted teeth. 

Despite Alex wanting to refuse, she knew she couldn't for much longer. It had already been a week and she knew Jade's patience was wearing thin. Without another word, she pushed right past Jade, shoving her shoulder in the process and stepping into the car slamming it shut.

When they arrived to Jade's condo all hell broke loose between the two and the relationship they had worked hard to build had shattered in a matter of seconds as they spit out venom towards one another. 

"Go to hell Jade." Alex said, turning away ready to walk out the door, but Jade grabbed her arm and held her in place. As Alex harshly tired pulling away, the moment her body turned, in an unconscious action, she slapped Jade hard on the cheek. 

Jade instantly let go of Alex and reached to touch her warm cheek, finding it hard to believe that Alex had just slapped her. Alex immediately panicked as she took a step back, covering her mouth with both hands. Fear formed in the pit of her stomach realizing the gravity of the situation. 

"J-Jade I'm s-so sorry. I..." Alex felt herself tremble and tears began to form in her eyes as she watched Jade stand to her full height. 

"You're really lucky you know." Jade said coldly as she walked towards Alex until she had her pinned against the wall.

"J-Jade." Alex inaudibly whispered. 

Jade's eyes had a flicker in them as she blinked. Stepping away from Alex she looked at her girlfriend. "You're really lucky I love you."

(Back to the present)

Without a warning Jade thrust roughly into Alex again making her moan in both pain and pleasure. Jade hid her face in the crook of Alex's necks, sucking and biting on the sensitive skin making sure to leave a bruise.

Jade's thrusts were steady and deep making both their breathing quicken from the arousal. It wasn't long before Alex completely unraveled underneath Jade, feeling her orgasm shake her to the core. 

"Jade!" Alex cried out holding Jade tight as she came hard, feeling her walls clench around Jade's member. 

"Fuck." Jade moaned into Alex's neck as she came deep inside Alex, slowing down her thrusts to let both of them ride out their orgasms. Jade lifted her head up and placed a lingering kiss on Alex's lips then cheek. 

"I love you." Alex whispered pulling her down for another kiss.

"I love you." Jade said smiling.

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