The Truth

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"Well where should I begin?" The old lady asked.

"From the beginning." Jade said taking a sip of the fresh cup of coffee that was now in front of her. 

"Well you see about four years ago I was here making one of my night checks, you know making sure that everything was in place, the kids were asleep, and other things." The old lady said while Jade nodded. "I was about to go to bed when I heard a soft knock on the door. It was so soft that it was as though they didn't want to me to open the door. But I did and when I opened it there was a young girl standing with a small child in her arms." The old lady said but was interrupted by Jade.

"Can you tell me how she looked like?" Jade said wanting to see if the description that the old lady was about to make matched the description of Alex.

"Like I said she was really young, I would say that she must have been about 20 or so. She wasn't tall or anything, she was probably around my height. She had green eyes and her hair was pulled into a loose bun that day." She said making the insides of Jade's stomach turn from the description.

"And her hair, her hair color?" Jade said feeling as her jaw tightened not wanting to listen to the old lady say it.

"It was a blondish gold color, it made her eyes pop. Very pretty girl if I say so myself." Jade looked at the old lady and then looked down clenching the arm rest with her hands. She just confirmed it was Alex, and Jade felt a sting in her chest. It wasn't because she was hurt, it wasn't because she was sad, it was simply because Jade's heart was thumping so hard against her chest from the frustration and pent up anger that's been building for the past week, that it felt as if in any moment she would explode and if that were to happen, then Jade would ruin everyone with the snap of her finger; and that wasn't good for anyone.

"Then what." Jade said.

"I asked her if she need help with anything, but she stood there examining the place and clutched her baby closer to her chest. She looked afraid and very nervous, it looked like she wanted to run away and just forget she even came here, and for a moment I thought that she was going to do that, but, she didn't. Something stopped her from leaving and whatever it might've been I can assume it scared her." The old lady said recalling that moment in her head.

"When she finally looked at me she said she did need help and asked if I could help her. I told her it was late and I was about to go to bed and that all the other kids were asleep already. I told her to come back tomorrow in the morning if she wanted to but she quickly said no. She said it with such pain and panic in her voice that it surprised me. I didn't know what to think about the situation, I mean what could I think? She didn't look like she needed help so I was confused as to why she here."

"I asked her what she needed help with and once again she looked hesitant about what she was doing. I was about to tell her to come back tomorrow because she was taking so long just to figure out what she wanted to say, but before I could respond to her she told me that she needed help with her son. I was even more confused when she said that because like I said before, she didn't look like she needed any help at all. I then told her to come inside and into my office. For the third time that night it looked like she wanted to run but she didn't and we came here into my office." The old lady said shaking her head. "She asked me if this was an orphanage and I laughed at her telling her that it was. I didn't laugh to make fun of her but clearly she asked me that question because she was feeling uneasy and unsure of what she was doing." The old lady said smiling at the thought.

"And?" Jade urged the old lady to keep going.

"I asked her one more time what she needed help with and that's when she told me that she needed someone to take care of her son. I didn't know what exactly she meant because last time I checked that's what babysitters are for, but then she clarified and said she couldn't take care of her baby anymore. That's when I knew what she really wanted, she wanted to leave her baby here at the orphanage. I asked her why she couldn't take care of her baby and she said that she couldn't provide for him and give him a stable life. She said that she didn't want to raise her baby in poverty." The old lady said.

At this point Jade felt her anger rise again hearing the pathetic excuse Alex made up. What the fuck was Alex thinking? It was bullshit that Alex couldn't provide for her son or give him a stable life, and Jade could guarantee that because all Alex had to do was tell Jade the truth and Jade would've gladly accepted the pregnancy and taken care of everything.

"That's what she told you." Jade said digging her nails in the palm of her hands.

"I didn't want to believe her but I listened to what she had to say. She told me she didn't live here in England and was only here for a short period of time. She said she just graduated school and that she couldn't tell her parents she left to England to give birth. I asked her if there was anyone who could help her with the baby but she kept denying it, but I had a feeling that she did know someone who could help her, clearly by the way she kept denying that there wasn't anyone and the way she shook her head as if scared, I knew she didn't want to ask this person."

"I asked her about the baby. She told me he was five months old which shocked me because when mothers want to get rid of their children they do it as soon as possible. To me this proved she didn't want to give up her baby, it proved that she did care for him, but whatever it was that was making her take this rash decision had to be bad. All it took was one look at his peaceful face and I knew I had to take him in. I agreed and she look relieved but she also looked hurt. She gave me a closed file and told me it was his paperwork. Once again she managed to surprise me because inside the file there was his birth certificate and other things. A majority of these kids don't have a certificate or anything to identify them with. " The old lady said sadly.  

"Can I see that file?" Jade asked feeling numb inside.

"Of course you can." She said getting up from her chair and walking over to her desk as she began searching for the file. She came back and handed Jade the file who took it and looked over the writing.

Fabian Andrew Ferguson

Jade ran her fingers over the name and opened the file. The first thing she took out was his birth certificate and saw her son was born August 8th at 1 in the morning. Jade smiled and didn't look away from the certificate but then she met the old ladies eyes and looked back down and reached for something else in the file. She pulled out a photo and looked at it, it was Alex and Fabian. Alex had just given birth and she was holding Fabian in her arms and had a genuine smile on her face. Jade looked over at Alex's features, despite her hair being a bit messy, she still looked beautiful. Jade then frowned because she would've loved to have been there to see her son being born, experience such a memorable time in her life. Jade put everything back in the file and then closed it. She stood up and so did the old lady.

"I'll be back for my son Friday, I'll be taking this." Jade said holding up the file in her hand.

"Ms. Swine can I ask you something?" The old lady said.

"What?" Jade said.

"If that girl that left Fabian here said she's the mom, how are you also the mom?" The old lady said making Jade want to smile at her question and laugh at her.

"I guess you can call me the Dad." Jade said leaving the old lady confused. "You'll get the check this Friday when I come back. It'll be more than enough to make major upgrades to the orphanage." Jade said then left.

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