The Orphanage

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Jade wasn't able to sleep that night. Every time she closed her eyes the thought of her son appeared. Her son. She has a son, a son she didn't know about and now she had to find a way to fully grasp the idea she was a mother. It was even harder to grasp the idea Alex abandoned their son. How could Alex do this? How could Alex do this to their son?

She never thought Alex would be capable of doing something like this. It made her think back to all the times Alex couldn't turn her back on helping others. It was those things that made Alex an angel in the eyes of Jade, so how could someone who supposedly has a beautiful heart do such a horrible thing?

The series of questions were never ending. When the sun finally came up Jade was already dressed and ready to go. Her hair was pulled back into a neat bun and she wore a black suit that complimented her figure. Grabbing her keys she quickly exited the hotel room.

When she arrived at the orphanage she took a moment to relax, calm the nerves she was beginning to feel. Looking at her reflection in the review mirror she noticed how her eyes looked dull. Her eyes were already a dull color and the fact she didn't sleep at all last night didn't help her much, but she still looked fierce and that's the only thing that mattered to Jade. Getting out of the car she began walking towards the main entrance, knocking on the door once and waiting for a response. The doors opened and revealed a young woman. 

"Can I help you?" She asked softly.

"I'm here to see Mrs. Radcliff." 

"She's on the phone right now but if you want you can wait for her." 

"That's fine." Jade said and walked past the girl making her way to the window that was next to the old lady's office.

For the first time in years, Jade didn't have a solid plan on what she was going to do. She's handled difficult situations before, and she's done it with such ease that it amazed people. This is a difficult situation, so she can fix it, right?

The more she thought about it, the more she tried to find some type of encouragement that she could solve this, she concluded that this problem isn't going to get solved any time soon. She couldn't just do this on her own, she wasn't just about to walk into Fabian's life and tell him she's his mom. Jade knew the only possible solution to fix this, is if she finds Alex and has her take responsibility for what she did. Remind her of this despicable act and never let her live it down; take everything away if she needed to.

Maybe that's what she should do. Maybe Jade should take away what she's worked hard for. Jade thought about how easy it would be to find Alex and make her pay for what she did. By now Alex graduated college and was probably working, all Jade had to do is find out where she works and pay her a visit. 

"Ms. Swine! What brings you here again?" Jade looked up and forced a smile on her face knowing for the next hour or so, there wouldn't be any more smiles.

"I need to talk to you about a serious issue I was just made aware of." 

"Oh, I hope it's not bad." The old lady said, concern filling her eyes.

"Well I guess you can say that it is bad and I can guarantee you that our conversation might not be pleasant." Jade said with a stone cold face. The old lady stiffened a bit then nodded her head as if bracing herself for the worst.

"Well then let's go to my office." She said leading the way as always.

They both took a seat, the old lady was clearly nervous and confused but she offered Jade a comforting smile. 

"I need to ask you questions about a certain person." Jade began.

"About who?" 

"Fabian. I want to know more about him." 

"Well, what exactly would you like to know?" 

"Anything you can tell me." Jade said shrugging her shoulders.

"Well for starters he's very intelligent for his age. We've established that he's three years advanced in his studies than any child in his age group." That instantly made Jade feel proud but she didn't show it.

"Keep going".

"Fabian loved to fix things." The old woman continued. 

"Like what?"

"Anything that's broken, basically if it has wires and involves tools, he'll gladly take it apart and rebuild it. He's constantly asking us if there's something he can fix. He's smart and loves to read. Instead of reading a children's book, he prefers to read nature magazines, science magazines, about cars." The old lady said.

"When did Fabian first arrive?" Jade asked.

"About four years ago." The old lady said.

"Was he abandoned here?" Jade asked  hoping at least Alex had the decency to leave their son the right way; if there even was a right way. 

"He was a special case, very special I would say." The old lady said looking as if she were remembering how it happened.

"Tell me about it." Jade said leaving no room for questions.

"Why are you so interested in Fabian?" She asked leaning closer to her desk eyeing Jade. Jade could see the hesitation in the woman's eyes and decided that it was best to push her further. "I just found out Fabian's my son." Jade said keeping a serious face while the old lady looked like she just received the most shocking news ever.

"B-But that ca-can't be." She said stuttering.

"It is." Jade said.

"I...but you...well this doesn't make sense." She said standing up from her chair and began pacing around the room.

"And why doesn't it make sense?" Jade said standing as well.

"Well you see when Fabian was brought...I'm sorry but Ms. Swine how do you know that he's your son? You can't just claim that one of these kids is yours." The old lady said facing Jade. Jade pulled out the envelope in her bag and handed it to the lady. 

"Let's just say I had a hunch and it turns out I was right." Jade said with the same tone of voice as before. "Mrs. Radcliff if you know what's good for you and all these kids, I suggest you continue telling me why it doesn't make sense to you." 

The old lady knew what Jade meant, Jade was going to give the donation to the orphanage and the only way that the donation can be guaranteed is if the old lady told Jade everything about Fabian and his arrival to the orphanage. 

"Shall we sit?" The old pointed to the chairs. Jade's lips formed a smile and nodded her head.

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