The Visit

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Jade looked over all the places they visited and immediately dismissed half of them. Then her eye caught the information file of the orphanage; where the little boy lived.

"What if?" She asked herself holding the file in her hands. She pulled out her phone and dialed the orphanage number and waited for the other line to pick up the phone.

'Hello.' The other line answered, Jade recognized the voice as the old lady that she meet up with.

"Hello Mrs. Radcliff it's me Jade." 

'Oh hello Ms. Swine what can I do for you?' She asked in a sweet tone.

"I was wondering if I can come over and interact with some of the kids." Jade said hoping that the old lady would say yes.

'Oh sure I don't see why not.' The lady said sounding excited.

"Can I come tomorrow?" Jade asked.

'Yes I don't see why not.' The old lady said.

Jade hung up the phone and looked at the file in her hands again. Why did she want to go back? What's pulling her back to the orphanage? So many questions popped up in her mind and they revolved around the little boy.


"Good Morning Ms. Swine, how are you?" The old lady said to Jade feeling excited of the fact that Jade decided to visit again.

"I'm doing fine how about you?" Jade asked not really caring for what she had to say. Her mind kept wandering to the little boy.

" if you want we can start in the play room." Jade snapped out of her thoughts and simply nodded her head allowing for the lady to lead the way.

They began walking and turned a left corner where the play room was which made Jade frown from all the noise and kids. There were at least twenty kids playing with each other, some were fighting over toys, others were minding their own business.

"They're nice kids." The lady said admiring the kids making Jade want to scoff at her but she didn't. Jade walked around the room and observed the kids playing but felt empty when she saw them. She looked outside the window and saw more kids playing and figured that maybe the little boy she was looking for is there.

"Can we go outside?" Jade asked as already started walking.

"This is the garden where the kids play and plant flowers." She said with a proud smile. Jade scanned the garden but didn't see the little boy. She was about to leave when her eye caught the little boys curly brown hair. He was sitting by the blossom tree alone reading something.

"Mrs. Radcliff you have a call." Someone said to the old lady.

"Do you mind if-"

"Go ahead, don't mind me." Jade said not taking her eyes off the little boy.

She began making her way towards the tree and began to feel nervous. She didn't know why she felt an uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomach. It was something she never felt before and that's because she never got nervous. She was standing behind the little boy but he hadn't realized yet. She looked down at him and saw that he was reading about the mechanics of cars?

Jade scrunched her eyebrows in confusion wondering why would a little boy be reading something so complex. He should be reading about dinosaurs right? Not mechanics. He suddenly look up with at her and the moment that she made eye contact with him, she felt a tight pull in her chest making her heart speed up.

"Hi." He said in the cutest and most innocent voice Jade has ever heard. It took a moment before she realized that the little boy was talking to her.

"Oh uh h-hi." She said stuttering a bit which is something she never does.

"Do you want to read with me?" He asked holding up his book for Jade to see flashing Jade a smile that warmed her heart.

"Sure." She said.

"Sit with me." He said scooting over then looked up at Jade. She nodded her head and slowly sat down next to the little boy. She wasn't sure how to approach him. How does she talk him? How do you talk to kids? Do kids even have conversations?

"So what are you reading?" Jade asked the boy who looked excited when she asked.

"Mechanics!" He said enthusiastically showing Jade the cover of the book.

"But you're like three?" Jade said and saw the little boy pout.

"I'm four." He said holding up four fingers making Jade smile.

"Sorry." She said.

"It's ok. How old are you?" She said putting his book down.

"Well I'm not that young." Jade said not answering his question.

"You look young." He said.

"Thank you?" She said kinda confused.

"But seriously. How old?" He asked again.

"Well just add 26 to your age." Jade said knowing that he wouldn't figure it out.

"30!" He chanted making Jade look at him in amazement.

"W-Wait did you just add those up in your head?" Jade asked not believing that a four year old could be smart enough to calculate big numbers.

"Yup. I study. It's fun." He said grabbing his book again. "Can I talk to you about car motors?" He asked.

"Sure." Jade said. She expected him to say crazy things. She expected him to say basic things about car motors. She didn't expect much from him. What she didn't expect is hearing him explain the functions of motors and naming the different parts of a motor and what each piece does. All of a sudden her stopped and looked at Jade.

"What's your name?" He asked holding Jade's gaze.

"Jade." She said.

"That's a pretty name. I'm Fabian." He said extending his hand out for Jade to shake making her laugh.

"Nice to meet you Fabian." She said shaking his tiny hand. He smiled and reached next to him grabbing a small water bottle.

"Can you open this?" He asked holding up the bottle for Jade to open. Jade took the bottle and uncapped it then handed it to the little boy. He drank some of it and closed it.

"Oh there you are." Mrs. Radcliff said. Jade stood up and dusted her pants. "I hope he wasn't causing you trouble." The old lady said.

"No he wasn't." Jade said. "I have to get going thank you for letting me visit again." She said getting ready to leave but before she did she felt a small hand tugging her pants.

"Wait you're leaving?" Fabian said looking disappointing. The look on his face make Jade want to console him for some reason.

"I have work buddy." She said kneeling down so that she was face to face with him. The light in his eyes dimmed.

"Can you come back?" He said. For some reason Jade couldn't find it in her to reject him and say no and she felt her chest tighten again, but this time it was harder than before. She looked next to him and noticed his water bottle.

"Sure." She said looking at him. He suddenly gave her a hug taking Jade by surprise but she hugged him back "It was nice meeting you." She said fixing his messy hair.

"You too pretty lady." He said and with that Jade stood up and left.

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