The File

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Hey guys here's another update for you, I hope you enjoy it. Please vote and tell me what you guys think. Enjoy!

When Jade got home with Fabian, she showed him his room and he instantly fell in love with it. There were plenty of toys for him to play with, a spacious bed and a closet full of new clothes. Fabian was fascinated by everything and while it made Jade very happy to see her son smile, she couldn't help the sense of guilt and anger creeping in the background. This was the life Fabian should've had since being born, but Alex took that away. 

After a while Jade put Fabian to sleep seeing the tiredness in his eyes. She then made her way downstairs.

"Did I say you can eat my food." Jade said amused to find Xavier eating a sandwich while drinking a glass of wine.

"I was hungry." He said shrugging his shoulders.

"Let's sit down shall we?" Jade said pointing to the table. They both took a seat and Xavier kept eating away.

"So...about Alex." Xavier said.

"What about her?"

"Well I have two files that will give you all the information you want." He said pulling out the files from his brief case. "The first one explains about what she's been doing with her life. After the incident that happened between you two, she she moved to Michigan."


"Job offer. However, she didn't stay there long enough because she bought a plane ticket to England to handle the pregnancy." He said.

"Afterwards." Jade asked.

"Nothing for a few months. No job or much activity. She then applied to another job and began working as a chemistry teacher in a high school. She's paying off debts for school, renting a small apartment, doesn't make a lot of money." He said making Jade smirk when he mentioned the debt; something she could take advantage of. 

"So it shouldn't be that hard right?" Jade asked Xavier.

"What do you mean?" He said slightly confused.

"You said she didn't make a lot of money, she works as a teacher. If that's the case then forcing her to do whatever I want won't be a problem." Jade said gazing out the window smiling.

"What do you mean by 'forcing'" Xavier sat straighter in the chair as his gaze focused on Jade. 

"As in, making her do whatever I want." 

"Jade, you can't force anyone to do what you want." Jade turned around, leaning against the table. 

"Money means power Xavier."

"That' not ethical and you know it; you're a lawyer."

"Which means I can bend the rules to my favor."

"Are you being serious?" Xavier was taken back by the sudden change in Jade's demeanor. There was something behind those gray eyes that made him nervous. "What if she doesn't want to do whatever you want? What are you going to do?" Xavier asked. 

"What part of force did you not understand? I'm not going to ask her for permission, she lost that right the moment she dumped off our baby in a completely different country."

"I know what she did was wrong-"

"No you don't." Jade's voice rose as she stood from the seat. "Wrong doesn't even begin to describe the shit she fucking pulled. I know damn well I'm no one to fucking  judge, but there's a special place in hell waiting for her." 

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