Pick Up Day

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Jade made all of the arrangements for her son. She had him registered as hers and legally changed his last name to Swine like her. All legal procedures and arrangements were finalized in just three days. Jade would have her son with her by the end of the week, she couldn't feel happier.

She grabbed her phone and dialed Xavier. The phone rang once and Xavier immediately picked up.

'Is it true?' He asked on the other line.

"A lot of things are true, be more specific." Jade said smirking knowing Xavier hated when Jade did that.

'That you have a son!' He said sounding out breathe.

"Yes it's true." Jade said not elaborating any more on the subject.

'Well when are you bringing him?' He asked.

"I'm picking him up today at the orphanage." Jade said as she got her things ready to leave.

'So how are you going to tell your mom about this? Your family?' He asked.

"I don't know Xavier. For now I just need you to prepare a bedroom at the house and make sure it has everything that's on the list I sent you." Jade said as she got into her car and drove away.

'I will. When you get here with Fabian, he'll have a new bedroom all for himself.' Xavier said.

"Don't disappoint me. I'll call you later." Jade said and put her phone in her coat pocket.

Minutes later Jade arrived at the orphanage and knocked on the door. She was greeted by the old lady.

"Good morning Ms. Swine." She said.

"Good Morning. Big day." Jade said. 

"That fast?" The old lady asked.

"When you have a lot of money, anything can get done fast. It wasn't hard to get everything in order for my son." Jade said liking how she was able to call Fabian her son.

"Of course. Come to my office while I tell the others to get all of Fabian's belongings." The old lady said.


After about an hour Fabian was going home with Jade. He was in the backseat of Jade's car admiring all his surrounding. Jade liked seeing her son happy and knew he would always be her first priority from now on.

"Mom?" He said in the cutest voice ever.

"Yes?" Jade said liking through the mirror. Jade didn't tell Fabian she was his real mom yet but as soon as Fabian found out he was going home with Jade, that's the first thing he said to her; mom.

"Where are we going?" He said with excitement.

"I told you we're going home." Jade said.

"But we just left home." He said turning his little head back to look at the orphanage.

"No, we're going to your real home, with me." Jade said and turned around to face her son when the light turned red.

"So you're going to be my mom forever?" He said with hope flashing in his eyes.

"From this moment on you're my son." Jade said as Fabian smiled from ear to ear. 

"So I finally have a mom?" He said smiling impossibly wider. Jade laughed. "So I'm living with you?" He asked.

"Yes Fabian." Jade said.


"Forever." She reassured him.

Throughout the ride Fabian kept asking Jade questions about everything, Jade smiled and laughed at how much a little boy could ask. She realized this was the first time in four years she smiled again. When they arrived at the airport Fabian's eyes widened when he saw the airplane up close.

"Whoa! This is ginormous!" He yelled jumping up and down.

"You like it?" Jade asked carrying Fabian in her arms so that he could get a better look.

"Yes! Is this yours?" He said turning around to face Jade.

"It was." Jade said.

"What do you mean?" Fabian said tilting his head to the side.

"It was mine, but now it's also someone else's." Jade said.

"Who?" He asked.

"You." Jade said tickling him while Fabian burst out laughing.

"Me? Really?!" 

"Yes.This is your private airplane." Jade said pointing the plane. "When you get older and decide to travel around the world, you'll use this."

"This is the best day ever!" He said wrapping his small arms around Jade's neck squeezing her as tightly as he could. 

"How about we board the plane now?"

"Yes!" He said clapping his hands making Jade laugh. She put Fabian down and watched as he ran up the stairs and onto the plane.


"Mom?" Fabian said with a sleepy voice. They were on the plane halfway back to the United States. Fabian was cuddled up to Jade's side slowly falling asleep.


"What's America like?" He asked yawing.

"It's big and there's a lot to do. I'm sure you'll like it. Plus there's lots of amusement parks we can go to." Jade said.

"Can you take me?" He said lifting his head.

"Of course. I'll take you wherever you want." Jade said. Fabian smiled and got up to kiss Jade on the cheek. 

"You're the best mom." He said yawing once more before he curled into a little ball on Jade's lap and slept.


When they arrived it was already night time and Fabian was wide awake. They both got off the plane and were greeted by Xavier who had Jade's car keys and a gift for Fabian.

"How was the ride?" Xavier asked to both of them.

"It was awesome!! Mommy gave me a present!" He said holding Jade's hand.

"Oh yeah? What did your mom give you? A teddy bear?" Xavier said laughing.

"No, she gave me my own airplane! Look." He said pointing to the plane that was being unloaded with their bags and placed in Jade's car.

"A toy plane right?" Xavier asked looking at Jade for confirmation but Jade just shrugged her shoulders.

"He has his own plane." Jade said making Xavier's jaw drop.

"He's four!" Xavier said in disbelief.

"He's also my son." Jade said walking with Fabian to the car. She put Fabian in the car and made sure he was safety buckled in. She closed the door and walked over to her side.

"Did you find it?" She asked Xavier.

"I have the file in my car. You'll be amazed by what she's done." Xavier said.

"I doubt it. Follow me to my house so we can talk." Jade said opening the car door.

"I'll meet you there. Seriously you gave him his own plane?" Xavier asked again.

"I had spare change in my pocket." Jade said smiling.

"Tsk rich people." He said.

"I can get you a toy plane if you'd like." She said jokingly.

"You suck." He said as they got into their cars and drove off.

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