Chapter 7: The Time To Strike

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Do my updates seen less frequent? That's because they are and will be now that school is up and running again. I am not putting this on hold or anything like that, BUT updates may be as slow as one a week, which isn't so bad I guess but I suppose it's because I used to update way more often that it's so slow to me. That's all, please keep reading and enjoying.

Chapter 7: The Time To Strike

Jared Redalion grumbled to himself. Mainly about how the building had been completely stripped. He only had a few rooms left to check that probably didn't hold much promise.

You know what, he thought to himself, screw it. I won't bother. He walked out of the current room he inhabited back to where the girl would be.

He trudged through the hall, dragging his feet back into the room he'd thrown her in. He didn't have a plan anymore, and wasn't quite sure what he was to do. He was safe here, but he still needed to move. He wouldn't be safe in one place for too long.

"Hey," Annmarie said. "Got anymore of those lunchables?"

"I'm not about to untie you so you can eat."

"I thought you said you weren't going to let your prisoner starve."

"You can wait. Spoiled brat. You've probably been scarfing down caviar by the handful."

"I don't eat caviar at all. It's disgusting, almost as much as you."

"Verbal abuse will get you no where."

"I don't need to be anywhere."

"Your annoying me, shut up."

"How could I possibly annoy you? I thought you were above that."

"Do yourself a favour and quit while your ahead."

"Ahead of what?"

"Can you not hear me! I said quiet!"

"I heard you fine."

"If it doesn't take my word perhaps this will do it!" Redalion reached into his pocket and pulled out a small glass tube with white power. "In your system or on your skin, your dead in twenty four to forty eight hours either way. Personally I don't care."

"Anthrax? You have anthrax?"

"One more word, and I have no medication or chemicals to wash you down with."

Annmarie glared at Redalion, but kept her mouth shut. Anthrax was worse than the pipe.

He'll come, she thought, Artemis will come. Hopefully soon enough to keep this idiot's insanity from rubbing off.

Stupid woman, Redalion thought, I'll show her. And that rat she's wed to, as well.

There was a tap outside. Not a tap, but rather the sound of a car door lightly closing.

Fowl, Redalion thought, scowling to himself. And so the game begins.

Artemis and Butler exited the Bentley, closing the doors silently behind them. Their modified guns were at their hips, along with an extra holding real bullets that Butler had on him.

They opened the front door to the building just far enough to sneak through.

Artemis took the lead, drawing his gun as they snuck through the halls. Artemis remembered when the halls had been lit so beautifully, and the marble floors were polished to shine like ice. Now in the hallways as well as everywhere else the halls were dim except for window light, and the floors were coated with dust, dirt, and grime. Old police tape was hanging across doorways and a few ripped streamers were stranded on the floor.

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