You'll Leave Alone

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Once we got there, I noticed there were already people passed out on the lawn. Already. At eight o'clock. It wasn't even dark yet.

"Wow. I feel good about this." I sarcastically muttered. Mikey made that annoying 'tsk tsk' sound.

"It'll be fine, Gerard."

We walked up to the front door, and went right in. Loud music blared throughout the somewhat large house, and the smell of alcohol was thick in the air.

Soon enough, both Pete and Mikey had disappeared from my side, and I was left on my own. I went to find a drink, and just hung out by the corner of the room.

"Hey, you!" I heard, but rationalized that it couldn't have been directed at me.

"You, with the leather jacket and hot bod!" That made me turn and look around.

There was only one person paying me any attention -

And it was the host himself.

He came over to me, and I found myself second-guessing my decision of coming here.

"Why aren't you having any fun?"

I shrugged. "Not my thing, I guess. I think I'm going to leave."

Frank Iero shook his head desperately. "NO! Please don't leave! I'll show you a good time, I promise!"

I raised an eyebrow, and decided that it couldn't hurt. "Fine."

"Okay, first things first: let's get you another drink." He clasped his hand with mine, and pulled me through the crowd.

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