Cause I'm Not Having Any Fun (Until I Saw You)

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-Parenthesis because it makes more sense-

I got out of the cab, and paid the driver. I pulled the small bag I'd taken out of the backseat, shut the door, and he drove away.

I went into the building - which was a very dark building. But beautiful. The name beautiful death suited the place. The decor was all ebony or dark brown, and the carpets and drapes were red. Black for darkness and red for blood.

"Can I help you?" The receptionist asked.

"I'm actually looking for someone, did you happen to see a short-ish guy with black hair and tattoos?"

She narrowed her eyes at me. "That information is classified."

I exasperatedly sighed. "I'm trying to apolo-"


I froze. After a few seconds, I slowly turned my head. And -

There he was. Standing right in front of me. I didn't know what to do, what to say - a million things went through my head, there were so many things I wanted to say to him...

So what I did was I went up and hugged the shit outta him.

"I'm so sorry I'm so sorry I'm so fucking sorry Frankie I was so mean to you and you didn't deserve it I'm such a dick and I was so mean to you," I cried into his shoulder, and held him close to me. He wrapped his arms around me, and rubbed my back as I cried. Neither of us cared that the receptionist - the only person in the lobby - was watching.

"I'm sorry too, Gee. I was a dick too, and I-" I cut him off with a finger over his lips.

"Let's agree to never dwell on that shit ever again."

"Agreed," He said despite my finger - it ended up going into his mouth, and I laughed.

"Do you wanna go back up to my room?" He asked.

I nodded. "Of course, Frankie."

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