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Why does no one believe me?
If I say I have nightmares I do.
Is it cause I'm boarder line 16?
No I'm not making it up for attention.
Lets pause for a moment: I don't think you know how this works. Let me explain........
I have nightmares almost every night.
Some multiple times a night. I can not just roll over and go back to sleep afterwards. Once they wake me up I'm up. This is why I'm always awake before 9. If I could sleep in like a normal teenager I would. I've had some really really bad ones, and some not so bad ones, but they are all nightmares just the same. If I have one I want to leave the room I was sleeping in. Almost like I'm leaving the badness right there. I want comfort. Not an "oh that sucks sorry." I want physical contact. A hug. To be held. Something. Not a "go back to sleep."
Why push me away? I'm in pain.
If I have a nightmare and I don't do something to push it away... It will continue to run through my brain until I'm crying or shaking. It will replay over and over and over and it won't stop. It doesn't just go away when I wake up. I don't just forget about it. If I remember the nightmare, I don't just remember a little... I remember every single element. I'll feel it, see it, smell it. Everything. Every detail. Please. Let me go and seek comfort. Don't lock me in a room and tell me to go back to sleep. Cause I will sit here, like I'm currently doing, and continue to think about it till I'm crying. Like I'm currently doing.

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