Never will I ever

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Today. Today it happens. Today I am Alison Richards.Tonight I will be Alison Dominick. It all happens tonight.
I suppose now is a good time for a fill in. After a long and stressful 8 months of planning and prepping, tonight I'm getting married. I met Tyler in middle school and It started off as every 6th grade friendship. Practically siblings, the thought of us ending up together was horrendous. Never would we ever. However after we became close again in high school, by sophomore year we were a thing. Although we swore we'd never get married. We were young and wild and wanted to be free, without ties. No marriage. Never would we ever. But it wasn't long after college that he proposed. And now here we are. Here I am. 25 years young, and ready to take on the world; with Tyler by my side.
"Ally come on!"
A shout from the living room interrupted my deep thoughts. I sat up to take in one more reassuring look in the mirror. My long auburn hair was in beach curls with my bangs clipped back. My makeup was kept very simple, with the most outrageous thing being eyeliner and peach lip stick. Finally satisfied I walked out into the living room.
Sitting sprawled across the couch was my wedding party. Very petite, it consisted of My mother in a navy blue strapless gown, and my best friends Lilly and Rachel in baby blue short and strapless dresses.
Rachel giggled when I walked out. "Al, what are you doing in sweats and a tshirt? This is your wedding girl." I smiled and Lilly broke the silence with "must I do everything." She sweetly chuckled and gracefully walked out of the room before returning with a strapless lace highlow gown. God it was beautiful. The lace was perfectly folded into the creases of the train and it looked like it was hand picked by a goddess herself. Lilly and Rachel helped slip me into the dress and my mother zipped up the back as the fabric tightly clung to my skin. It was snug enough to feel both classy and sexy. Perfect.
"Well... Give us a twirl," said Rachel ecstatically.
I twirled slowly, worried about catching the fabric, as my little party awed.
"Okay okay come on we have to go," I pleaded.
Trying to avoid waterworks, I rushed the girls out of the house and on our way.
The drive to the alter was about an hour. We drove to Panama City beach and parked along a peer while awaiting the guests. It was about 3:00 and we had a good 2 hours before it was time. That two hours were going to be rushed last minute prepping. I looked out the window of my little red pick up and observed the area. Family participating in the wedding were scattered along the beach. My groom was no where to be seen. I sat in silence for a minute and took a deep breath. In.out. It was all going to be okay.
While lacing up my white chuck Taylor's, a tap on the window occurred, followed by an all too familiar face.
My mother opened my door softly. "Baby we have to go. Come now," she said sweetly.
I climbed out of the car and the train fell just below my ankles, perfect length for a clutz like me.
Slightly dizzy, Mom guided me into a little arch way where the rest of the party sat. After saying high to family and friends I went into the back for final makeup and hair finalizing. Now the wait.
The two hours passed far too quickly. Before I knew what was happening, I was standing at the arch watching my best friends walk down the isle. Rows of chairs were set up along the white, pillowy sand. At the end of the carpet was an arch with pink roses wrapped around beautifully, along with the love of my life in a black tux and blue tie and baby blue rose. His brunette hair was slicked back nicely and to top it all off were his black chuck Taylor's. God I love him.
The crowd drew to a silence as Rachel stepped out. She walked and all was silent except for the occasional crash of a distant wave. She was tall and graceful, with her long dirty blonde hair braided into a messy updo to match the beach scene. She looked flawless. Then came Lilly. Oh Lilly. Practically a god, Lilly waltzed out, her black hair curled with a gorgeous blue bow to finish. She was so beautiful and untouchable.
My thoughts and nerves drew to a close as a comforting hand softly touched my shoulder.
"You look amazing sweetheart."
My dad gripped my hand and my world slowed. It was all okay again.
"Hunny it's time," he cooed. I felt my world turn as I took my first step into the sunlight and walked towards my future.
The light shined brightly and made it difficult to see as I was led out to my love. Every step closer to Tyler, was one step closer to the rest of my life, and one step closer to the adventures to come. The carpet seemed longer and farther then I originally expected, and suddenly I had the urge to run. To run into his arms and never look back. I recall music playing in the background but I wasn't paying attention. My mind was on the love of my life. Finally after what seemed like ages, I was handed over and that's when it all became real.
Words were said, promises were made, but all that mattered was that I was in his arms. Then came the vows.
"Ally..." He started. "My love, my best friend, my princess, my queen. How do I Thank You. How do I deserve you. I know life has been difficult, but it mustn't have been that awful if it brought us together. I remember the first time we met. You walked into my 7th period in 6th grade, and my initial thought was.... God damn.... That's her. That's the girl. I felt it immediately. And then becoming close. As kids, we laughed at those that put us together, we barfed at the thought of being in love. We made promises. Never would we ever get together. Never would we ever date. Never would we ever get married. Well I'm saying front of everyone...... I'm making a new promise. Never will I ever stop loving you. I will love you every morning we wake up to every night you crawl into bed. I will love you when your hairs a mess, I will love you when you're mad, depressed, hurt, excited. I will love you and I will love every piece of you and I will never stop no matter how bad, no matter how hard. You are the only person for me and that will NEVER change."
I watched a tear roll down his eye as he tried to hide it. "Never will I ever judge you. Never will I ever leave you. Never will I ever put you second. Never will I ever stop loving you." He finished with a hush from the crowd. I had never heard or seen something more beautiful.
When I said my vows I spoke of promises. I spoke of the future. The adventures to come. I talked about how inseparable we would be and how fears have stopped me from doing a lot but I wouldn't second guess this decision. How much I loved him. How I never would I ever stop loving him. And then it happened. We kissed. It was slow and soft and our lips fit together like perfectly carved puzzle pieces. And from that moment on, I would never be alone.
The night went on with toasts and food and drinks. Pictures were taken and then everyone in the crowd sat to watch the sunset over the ocean. After the reception, we moved the wedding off of the beach and into a pavilion. This is where our first dance happened. The sky fades to black as we sway to "under the stars" by John legend. In this moment we were infinite. We were invincible. I tilted my head up to catch sight of my husband. He was staring out into the ocean, his normally green eyes very blue. He was beautiful for lack of better words. I tilted up to kiss his nose and he grinned at me through the corner of his eye without looking down. He winked and my heart soured. We continue to sway as the song came to a close.
"God I love you," I sighed.
"Forever and ever?" He asked.
"Yes doofus what did you expect?"
I giggled to myself at the thought of us growing old together.
"Hey princess.." He reached down and tilted my chin up.
"Yes my love?" I responded cautiously.
"Never will I ever.....Never will I ever stop loving you." I swear I saw a tear roll down his cheek, but it was too dark to tell.
"And never will I ever stop loving you as well my dear." We continued to sway as the song ended. Words were said but I wasn't paying attention. Wrapped in my thoughts I day drempt about all the adventures and memories ahead and continued to sway in my lovers arms until the night ended.

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