4 years into the future

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I woke up very suddenly to a familiar yell coming from the kitchen down stairs. I immediately checked my phone, followed by a yawn and a whine.
"Okay I'm coming", I responded. Very sneakily I laid back down, only to be yelled at once more ten minutes later.
I giggled to myself and slowly sat up. My eye rubbing was interrupted by a hough coming from my left. I turned around to see an all too familiar face. His curly brown hair was a mess and he was snoring to himself quietly. I giggled once more before rolling over to stratal his waist. I kissed his cheek and he didn't move. After a couple more kisses I defaulted to rolling back over. While checking Instagram my waist was suddenly attacked as he pulled my torso and flipped me over onto his stomach. I screamed and giggled at he tickled by waist and arms.
"RELEASE RELEASE", I screamed but the tickling continued.
"Behave yourselves" came a mothering comment from downstairs.
He stopped and held me for a second.
"Morning kitty cat", he whispered in a deep and groggy morning voice. I sat up and admired him for a minute. He had just put on his glasses and was giggling. His eyes were very big and very blue this morning which was odd compared to the regular green and hazel I'm used to.
I jumped off and stretched as he got up. Shirtless and beautiful as always he threw on a pair of joggers and a nirvana t-shirt before heading down stairs. I threw on a pair of black running shorts to match my blue tank top, and brushed my auburn hair before following him down.
"Morning cat". I was greeted to my best friend in the petite apartment kitchen making eggs and bacon.

"Morning Micky" I replied sweetly. I ran over and hugged her waist and she giggled. She was a foot taller then me and her long black hair went down to her waist. It was always beautiful and I always admired it along with her big brown eyes. She was always the guys favorite in high school.
"Where's Jake?" I asked with caution in my voice.
Just as soon as the words left my mouth, I was swooped off the ground and spun in a circle. I screamed and he laughed.
"Got you" He grinned.
"Yeah yeah whatever. You're lucky you're cute" I giggled and grinned as well. Damn his smile was infectious.
Jake ran over to the little round table in the middle of the kitchen and plopped down putting his feet up.
"So what's for breakfast ladies?"
I leaned against the wall and watched Michaela walk over and knock Jake's feet off while replying with "depends. Whatcha makin?"
She put her hands on her hips, an all too familiar sign to watch what you say next.
"Umm eggs and bacon", he answered cautiously while peering over her shoulder.
"Lucky guess" Micky said before running back to the stove.
I giggled and skipped over to my boyfriends lap.
"You're luck I can cook or else you both would starve" I heard Micky say, but I wasn't listening. I kissed Jake softly. Micky came over and stood there for a minute letting us have our moment, before placing food on the table.
Jake yelled a high pitched "WOOP" and ran over to the couch to turn on cartoons.
"We're in college and you still watch cartoons", Micky said sarcastically while also sitting down in front of the tv.
God I love my family, I thought to myself.
I sat down on the couch but I didn't pay much attention to the tv. It's crazy how this little family of mine came together. Lost in thought, my mind went back to high school days. Jake I met freshman year. He was a quiet kid that kept to himself, though I still don't know why. Him and I started as friends and then he asked me to prom junior year and we've been together since. He's the one that gave me the Cat nickname although I go by Catharine. However Cat just sort of caught on after that.  He was my first boyfriend and I hope my last cause I swear I'm in love. Michaela I met in middle school but we didn't become best friends till junior year. We've been inseparable since. It's crazy the way life happens.
My high school  flashback was interrupted by an obnoxious burp from Jake and a slap from Micky.
"OW", he yelled.
"Don't be a pig" Micky responded.
"God you guys might as well be related you fight like siblings" I chuckled to myself.
Jake responded with "yeah yeah whatever" and went back to watching tv. "you okay?" He asked as he looked over at me. His eyes were soft and comforting.
"Yeah I'm fine just lost in thought," I answered.
"Explain" said Micky in a sweet demand.
"Just thinking about how our little family came together."
"Well for starters, I fell in love" Jake grinned and Micky rolled her eyes and made a vomit face behind his back.
I giggled and so did she.
Micky then contributed by saying "and I met my best friend. It's that simple. Jake and I were already practically siblings, and then you came in. And now here we are. Finishing our year of college, livin in a two bedroom apartment. I'd say life's pretty great am I right?"
"Hell yeah" said Jake.
I giggled once more. "did you guys have any idea this would happen, freshman year of high school?" I asked.
There was a moment of silence before Micky responded with "4 years in the future? hell no. I did NOT see this coming. But am I sure as hell happy it did? Oh yes."
I smiled.
"FUCK YEA" Jake yelled which proceeded with a slap on the wrist and a "watch your language" "don't tell me what to do" sibling argument.
"God I love you guys," I smiled.
"Love you too Cat."
"Yeah yeah whatever babe" Jake grinned. Even if he didn't say it I knew he meant it. I retreated back to my thoughts as the other two finished breakfast. 4 years in the future I had no idea this would happen. But I'm sure as hell happy it did.

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