Prince Lucifer

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Another suitor. I sigh. this has been going on for months, my parents want me to get married and so do I, just not like this.  I want some one that I can trust with my life, unconditional love. Not some one who has a mad tango. But as a eligible princess I now sit stuffed into a corset, my long black hair pulled back in to a bun the size of a rodent with, my parents at the big oak table in castle Aseniel's privet dinning room. The suitor, Prince Lucifer, is despicable. He boast of adventures that are vary unbelievable. 

"And then I rapped my arms around the sharks neck and strangled him as we slowly sunk beneath the waves. I swam back up to the boat, the crew was looking over the side watching in horror wondering if i was going to make it-"

"Did you make it?" my mother asks her jaw open in a vary un-queenly manner.

"Well I would not be here if I didn't would I?" he asks smugly tipping his chair back. Please, nobody can strangle a shark I thought. I roll my eyes and decided to play the princess card.

I sigh "Mother dear I am getting rather tired"

"Of coarse it is way past your bed time." she stands up and we follow in suit. "Thank you Prince Lucifer for your delightful tales." 

"My pleasure Your Majesty" and he kisses the back of her hand, bows to me, shake hands with my father then leaves. My parents accompany me up to my chambers saying how amazing he is. I tune out until I here my father say " You will be married next year."

"Father!" I say and turn to him "I can't-"

"And why not?" he says "No Agatha you have put this of to long. You will marry Prince Lucifer. He is a good honorable man and he is almost as rich as us." Of course its about the money. We are at my door now and he opens it. "I don't expect you to understand now but you will later." he gestured me in and shuts the door in my face.

  I, Princess Agatha spent my precious time listening to that suck up prince boast of his so called adventures. I want him out of my castle , I want him out of my kingdom. I will not marry him. I would rather get captured by pirates. 

HI, to anybody sees this. First chapter. First book. Suggestions are vary welcome. Comment and vote.


Ruby :)

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