Marry me

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I wake up in a dim room. Suddenly every thing comes rushing back and I sit up only to hit my head on the low beam above my head. I'm in my cabin. In my nightgown. The ship rocking gently, everything quiet. I stand up and almost blackout but then I steady myself and start walking towards the door, then stop and look down. There is a shackle around my left ankle. I follow the chain to a peg by the bunk and try to pull. It doesn't budge. No this could not have happen! Everything was going as planned. You wanted to get captured by pirates, said a voice in the back of my head. 

I was interrupted by the sound of the lock in the door jingling. Maybe if I rushed at just the right moment... the door started to open. It's now or never. I start to jump the person and then stop short as I'm jerked to the floor. Apparently the chain doesn't reach all the way to the door. I sprawl ungraceful on the wood floor looking a pare of highly polished boots.

"Please Princess no need for formality," said a mocking voice. I scramble up holding my arm where a piece of wood in bedded itself. I look at Captain Byrd, he is much younger then I thought and might have been handsome once upon a time. 

"What do you want?" I spit.

"Well since you are now awake I thought you would like to know why I brought you here" he pulled out the char of my desk and sat down. "Why don't you sit down Princess?" he offered.

"I'd rather stand," I said.

He shrugged. "You will be happy to know that your parents are on their way back to Aseniel."

"Ethan. Where is Ethan?" I breath. How could I forget him.

"Oh your little friend is fine, for now. Now here is my proposal," he paused. "You are going to marry me." 

I scoff "Do you take me for a idiot? I will not merry you. You foul, loathsome, evil, little cockroach" I swing my arm and hit him.

"You b-" he yelled. the door burst open and several pirates stormed in. "You will regret that Princess," he spat "You will marry me or see your little friend die. You have one month."and he left locking the door behind him. 

A few hours later the door open and a small man entered. "Hello deary." he said wobbling over to me 

"Who are you?" I ask

"I'm the doctor," he wheezed 

"Doctor who?"

"Just the doctor. Can't remember my name. But don't weary I am a doctor."


"Byrd sent me here to take a look at your arm, said that you fell and scraped it up. Let me see that arm of yours." He took one look at my arm and said, "Oh my. Here this is going to hurt." He started to put a paste on the wound with his papery hands. "This is going to numb it, okay?" Next he took a small  tool and suddenly pulled.

"OOWWW!!!" I yelled pulling my arm back.

"Oh dear, oh dear. Would you look at that." the doctor said holding up a three inch piece of wood.

"Ow," I moaned as blood started to drip down my arm. The doctor pressed a cloth to my arm cleaning it and handed me a little glass of some thing.

"It's whisky. It will help the pain." he wheezed. I swallow it in one big gulp and then start coughing.

He chuckled. "Well, I'll check in on you in a few days, okay?" he finished rapping my arm up.

"Okay. Um, may I ask where we are headed?" I ask sweetly.

"Well probably Byrd's little hideaway on Ves." And with that he wobbled out.

Well I'm domed, I thought. Ves, is an island west of Diren. It's the place mothers fear their children will end up, with harlots and drunkards. I try to pull on the chain again, then try to reach the door. I felt something wet on my ankle and looked down to see blood. Whats the point of locking the door if I can't even reach it. 

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Byeee! :P


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