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The weeks go by one by one. They drag out. At night I get time to slip out of my cabin and talk to Ethan. He's happy at least. Having fun learning about the ship.

"I could sail away and never return," He told me on night. When he said that I found that I did not want him to leave. We've been friends for years and to no longer have him to talk to, I couldn't imagine what it would be like.

"What, and leave me?" I ask jokingly.

"Well I suppose you could come with me," he said laughing. "We could chase pirates and fish for sharks," then he pretend to attack me. 

Laughing softly I pushed him away, "Ssshh, we could be caught"

"You say that every night," he smiled.

It was a week before we were expected to reach Unerag's port. A silent night, waters calm, Captain Errol was happy we were making good time. I was talking with Ethan in the crows nest when I looked down and saw that the deck was fogy. Every were was foggy.


"Yes Aggie, I know. Captain Errol said this might happen," I couldn't see down the mast now though thankfully I could still see Ethan. A slight breeze wafted up from the deck but it was not a cool breeze, one that smelled of seaweed and smoke. Now you might be like "Agatha you are on a ship in the middle of the ocean shouldn't the smell of seaweed not surprise you?"  Well I suppose, but this didn't smell like any old seaweed, this smelled like the rotting wood of the Balding Parrot. And I am vary sure that the ship has not smelled like this the whole time we've been here, I mean were on Aseniel's royal ship.

"Ethan? There's some thing out there," I whisper. We listen for a few minutes. The splashing of waves, the sigh of the wind, and that terrible smell.

"Agatha I don't think there's --"

 The ship lurched and there was a sickening crunch in the starboard side. A hulking shape loomed up out of the mist. Towering above our brigantine was a even bigger ship. That was all I could register before the ship was swarming with dark shapes. Lights flared up on deck banishing the fog within minutes. The crew had come out yelling and in their bed clothes but they were overcome within minutes. 

"Pirates," Ethan and I said at the same time looking at each other. More specifically the pirates of the ship the Dark Wind. My face went cold as Captain Byrd the of Dark Wind stepped on to the deck. He was a vary tall man I could see that even from the crows nest, with a trim beard and dark eyes.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here? The royal family caught unaware? Really Captain Errol I would have thought better of you" he tut- tutted, his voice light. "Over confidence is the death of many  great men." he strutted about looking at the crew, who were all being shackled together and walk over planks to the Dark Wind and then stopping at my parents. His mouth curled in to a smirk.

"Your majesty's" he said his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Were is your daughter?"

"She is in her cabin," my father answered looking down "sir" he added as an after thought.

"Alas she is not," said Byrd "My men have scourged this ship. Do you really think that I would wast my time with a question that I know the answer too? Where is she?" he said dropping the friendliness.

"I don't know!" answered the king "she has been in her cabin the whole trip"

"Yes, yes of course she has," he slowly scanned the ship.

"What do you want with our daughter?" my mother ask. "She was just on her way to get married--"

"To prince Lucifer of Unerag. Yes I am vary well informed. As to what I want with your daughter, you will find out when you are back in Aseniel." he suddenly looked up, straight at me. "Hooker, go get her," he order a random crew member. Hooker started to climbed up the shrouds and I was pulled down to the bottom of the crows nest by Ethan.

"Agatha, stay here," he said then stood up. Hooker was just climbing over the side when Ethan turned around. Ethan tried to fight but in the end Hooker's strength over powered him. Before I new it Hooker was over me. I just had time to register that he was blind in one eye before every thing went dark.

DUN-DUN-DUN!!!! I hope this is a cliffhanger for someone. Does someone die? Did Ethan survive?

Does any one ship Agatha+Ethan? Tell my if you do, but warning I am terrible at writing soppy stuff.

How was your day to day? Mine was good. You know this is sort of therapeutic, typing here and hoping someone will respond. LOL. I'll try to make the chapters longer though, this on was pretty long, 840 words. :/



Ruby <3

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