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|| Matt's pov ||
I was walking home with Cam. We saw how Alyssa and Carter went somewhere. " Where do you think they are going".

Cameron shrugged his shoulders. " I don't know. The park? Matt are u jealous"? He asked. I rolled my eyes.

" No forget it Cam. Me and Alyssa will talk when she gets back from he date with Carter".
|| Alyssa's pov||
Me and Carter went to a little pizza place. It was pretty cool. " What type of pizza do u want and what drink"? He asked

" Umm I want the topping to be sausage. And a Pepsi". I took out my wallet. "No what are you doing I'm gonna pay. After all I am the guy".

Carter went to order and came back to sit down with me. " Look Alyssa I'm very sorry about what happens earlier. Especially cuz we just met and I don't want you to think I'm trying to get in your pants or something".

I laughed. " Carter it's okay and I can tell ur not that type of person. I actually enjoyed the kiss". I said. I could feel my cheeks starting to turn red.

"Really you did"? He asked shocked. "Yeah and your pretty cute too". He smiled. " Wow thank you. What was that all about? You know... Nicole. You guys had also gotten into a fight but why"?  A guy came and served us our slices of pizza. "Thank you sir here's your tip". Carter said as he gave the server money.

"Well we got into a fight cuz she found out how I liked Matthew". He finished chewing what he had in his mouth before he could speak. "Oh so you like Matthew"? He asked. I took a sip of my soda. " Yeah. And the fact that I also lost my Virginity to him too". Carters eyes opened so wide. He almost choked on his pizza. " So you guys dated before"? I nodded no. " Don't worry Carter sooner or later you'll catch on".

We sat their in silence trying to get to the middle of our pizza. "Well anyways I lost my virginity to Nicole. Last year at Matt's party. Biggest mistake of my life. She thought that just because we did it, that meant that we were together". I was shocked at what I just heard.

" Wow Carter I thought you were innocent. But it's okay". I laughed. "Well I should be getting home to study for finals". I said as I got up. "How about we study together. You know actually studying". He laughed. "Okay let's go".

We walked out the pizzeria into my car.
We got to my dads house. It was five. "Alyssa can you tell me where you have be-" he stopped his sentence one he saw Carter. " I've been with Carter and we are here to study for finals". I said as I headed to the kitchen because that's where I was planning for us too study at. No way my dad would let me and Carter go upstairs even tho she had security hooked up.

I could tell Carter wasn't that type of guy anyways. I lead him towards the kitchen since it had way better lighting then all the other rooms. " Dad this is my friend Carter and we are here to study". I repeated.They both shook hands and introduced themselves. "Well i was waiting for you cuz I was planning on taking all of us to my business meeting but it's okay you guys can stay studying". He gave Carter the look. Honestly Carter looked frightened.

He left with Marina and Alaina. "Would you like something to eat". He shook his head. "Geez didn't we just eat pizza"? He asked with a chuckle. "Oh Yeah I forgot well let's get to studying". We both laughed. And opened our text books and took out our review sheets.

"Okay pages 59 to 65 have the information we need". He stated. We began highlighting. "Aren't you a little scared. Like if you don't pass". He nodded no. "I mean I'm a straight A student. Not to brag. But you'll do fine as long as you put your mind to it".

As we were studying me and Carter had the funniest conversations. It was hilarious. He was hilarious. My phone rang it was Matthew I decided to ignore it. " Aren't you gonna pick that up"? Carter asked. "Mmm no it's Matt". My phone rang again, and again, over and over again. I ignored it.

"Oh where's the Bathroom"? He asked.
"Right there to your left". I pointed.
Suddenly I heard a knock on he door. I opened the door and it was Matt. "What are you doing here"? I asked him.

"Having so much fun with Carter that you don't think about me anymore". He spat. "What"? I gave him a face like 'tf'. "What are you talking about your the one who decides to ignore me". I raised my voice at him not caring if Carter was here. And poked his shoulder.

"One minute your all over me, the next your saying I love you and the next your ignoring me like we don't know one another like I'm non existent".

At this point he was already at my living room pacing back and forth like if he had a reason to be mad. " Well-" Matt had his voice raised pretty high.

" Well nothing Matt. What do you think I am? A joke? A little dolly that you can play with whenever you want"?

" As a mater of fact yes. And maybe we should stop seeing each other". It got silent. I can't believe what i just heard. Carter came out of the bathroom and stood next too me.

"Oh yeah well I have Carter". I grabbed Carters face and smashed my lips into his. He didn't hesitate to kiss me back. I broke the kiss.

"Leave Matt. Just go". He shook his head and walked out my house. I slammed the door and locked it. Carter was standing in my living room. " Carter I'm so sorry i didn't mean to kiss you. I honestly don't know what I was thinking". We sat back down at the kitchen. I began to take out my two buns. And let my hair loose

"Hey cheer up babe". Carter said as he put his finger out to lift my face up. His smile automatically made me smile. "Oh yeah to get things straight were not dating". He said.
"I'm not like Nicole and yeah I know. Plus your not my type". I said.

After a while we got tired of studying and we got to learn more about each other. Know I finally know why Earlier Cameron said ' Cah-tah'

I told him the story how I hated my mom but now that she brought my dad back with me not so much.

It was getting late and Carter left. After a minute or so. My dad had came back. I decided to take a shower. But before bed I had to ask him a really important question. "Dad do you hear from every room from that device box thingy". He shook his head no. " that was when we first got the house but the batteries are out". He explained. "Oh okay well I'm going to bed. Goodnight".
I walked into my room upstairs. I was looking through some stuff in my room and I found a little sticky that was pasted on the bottom of my wall.

It said how this room was sound proof and explained that no one can hear anything from my room no matter how loud the sound was.

I could really feel a pair of eyes watching me. I looked around but found nothing I decided to turn on the tv and get into bed.

I was watching spongebob and heard a noise. I sat up too see what it was.

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