Chapter 18

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Why has Taylor Swift privately messaged me?

what do you think you're doing?

What does that even mean? Has she accidentally sent it to me? But why would she have followed me? Does she think I'm someone else?

I'm so confused. Harry's still over at the vending machine, so I decide to reply. It can't hurt, can it?

To Taylor Swift: Sorry, I think you might have the wrong person! :)

A smiley face at the end just to be extra nice. She probably won't even reply, I mean, she has millions of followers. I didn't even know she could message me. I didn't think I was even following her. I must have done it ages ago.

My phone beeps. Already? Jesus.

From Taylor Swift: I have the right person. Stay away from him.

What the fuck? Stay away from who? She doesn't mean...

"Here you go," Harry says, as he hands me a bottle of water. I chug most of it down immediately. I felt sick before, and now I feel about 10x worse. Is she talking about Harry? I know they used to be a 'thing'. To be honest, I have no idea what it was. Should I tell Harry? I mean, we're just about to get on a plane to Hawaii. What if I tell him, and he gets angry or something? Then we'll be on an 11 hour flight and not be able to do anything about it. Maybe if she messages me again I'll tell him. I'm definitely not going to reply to that. It's a bad idea.

"Ladies and gentlemen, you can now line up to board the plane. First Class and Business passengers, line up here." A lady who is smiling way too much motions for us to board, so Harry helps me stand up and we walk over to board, and then take our seats on the plane.

"You should get some sleep, it will make you feel better. Then, when you wake up we can have something to eat," Harry wraps a blanket around me, and I smile gratefully. I feel bad. I want to tell him. But who knows what will happen? I'm too scared. I'll just try and sleep it off.


I'm woken up to the worst pain ever. Yep, that's right, period cramps. I must've gotten my period while I was sleeping. Fuck, hopefully I haven't gotten blood anywhere. I look next to me, and Harry is snoring softly. His jaw is slack, causing his lips to look fuller than ever. God, I could watch him sleep for the whole flight. Ok, maybe that's a bit creepy. 

I silently lean over to grab my carry on bag, and take out a tampon. I stand up, cautiously checking to see if the seat has blood on it, and luckily it doesn't. It's also lucky that I'm wearing black pants, so there won't be any visible stains for anyone to see.

I make my way to the small cabin toilet, and of course, I'm right. My period has come a day early, which isn't unusual. After doing my business, I walk back to the seat to find that Harry has woken up. Half his face is creased from leaning on the seat while sleeping. Adorable. 

"I was wondering where you were. Are you feeling better?" He stretches in his see and yawns, causing me to yawn. Ugh, I hate that yawns are contagious.

"Much better," I sort of lie, recovering from a yawn. I feel better about everything else that has happened today, but I'm still really confused about the whole Taylor Swift thing. Plus my cramps are so bad. Is it normal to talk about cramps with your boyfriend? Fuck it, I want to at least be a bit open with him. "Actually, I have the worst cramps."

"Like...period cramps? Do you need some medicine?" Harry asks me hesitantly. Bless his heart. He's nervous.

"Yeah, I'll be fine, but thanks, love," I lean down to peck his soft lips quickly before sitting back down in my seat. "But can we get something to eat?" I ask eagerly, remembering that I'm actually starving.

"You bet," he replies, with a lazy smile.


"Ladies and gentleman, the seatbelt sign has now been turned on, can everybody please return to their correct seats and buckle up. We will be landing shortly. We'd like to thank you for flying with us, and hope you enjoyed the journey."

I'd just been watching an old episode of Friends, and as the lady says this over the speaker, Harry wakes up suddenly. "I love Friends!" He begins. "Is that the episode where everyone finds out that Chandler and Monica are together?"

"Wow, you sure do know your Friends episodes," I reply, genuinely impressed that he actually got it right.

"What can I say, it's one of my many talents - identifying Friends episodes!" He fakes arrogance.

"What everyone wants in life!" I'm in stitches now. But then I suddenly remember. Taylor Swift. I think it might be time to tell him. It keeps hanging over my head, and I really want to enjoy every second of this holiday, because who knows what's going to happen after. Plus, I kind of want to know what went on between them. Harry notices that I've stopped laughing.

"What's wrong? Cramps again?" He asks with concern. I actually love him so much right now I could cry. Not even kidding. I think I feel my eyes watering.

"No, it's not's just...before the flight, I didn't tell you something." My heart is pounding. I don't know why I'm so nervous.

"What is it?"

"I got a message, like, y'know, a private twitter message...from Taylor Swift." I look at Harry, scared to see his reaction, but to my surprise, it barely changes.

"Hmm...what did she say?" His brow is furrowed and his fingers are fidgeting with his lips, making it extremely hard for me to concentrate.

"She said, and I quote; 'what do you think you're doing', and then I replied something like; 'I think you have the wrong person', and then she said she didn't, and to stay away from him'." 

"That psycho doesn't understand the meaning of no," is all he says, and then he turns and sits back in his seat, with out another word, leaving me completely and utterly dumbfounded.

Does he just expect me to sit here, and not say anything? Now I'm afraid that if I do say something, he'll get angry or something. I guess it's better that I have it off my chest, but...what's this going to do to our relationship?

Then, out of the blue, Harry whispers to me, "She and Calvin Harris were never together, never engaged or anything. It was a set up. We were together."

Back up a second.



PS: while writing about yawning, I started yawning literally non stop, and now I am again hahaha SO annoying 

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