Chapter 20

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"We've just been using an app that I downloaded on my phone, so let's start the game again!" Lottie gets onto her phone and presses the restart button on the app. We all sit down on the floor around the coffee table, and Harry and I sit comfortably next to each other, his arm wrapped around my shoulders. "So I think everyone probably knows the rules, so we'll just get started. Just remember, you can't ask the person who asked you to do a truth or dare, ok?" Lottie looks around at all of us to make sure we understand, and we all nod our heads, snickering a little.

"Ok...I'll start first." Liam begins, looking around at everyone evilly. I really hoping he won't choose me first, I mean, come on, I'm just the newcomer. "Truth or dare, Louis?"

Louis takes a sip of his scotch, and he appears to be deep in thought. "I'll go with dare, I think, Liam," he finally says, sure of his answer.

"Ok, Lottie, press the 'dare' button to give us a dare for Lou?" Liam asks her, and she does so. Lottie hands Liam her phone so he can read it out. "Oh, this is a good one. Ok, Lou, you have to put lipstick on and give the person on your left a kiss on the cheek. It's your lucky day, Haz!" Everyone laughs, and I swear I hear someone say, "Larry is real," but I don't question it.

"That's nothing. Lottie, give me some of your lipstick," Louis puts his hand out in front of Lottie, who gives him some bright red lipstick. He then gets out his phone to look in the camera and see what he's doing which looks absolutely hilarious. "How do I look?" Louis pouts his lips and flutters his eyelashes and I'm just about dead. 

"Now kiss me!" Harry shouts dramatically, and Louis grabs his head passionately to give him a kiss on the cheek, leaving a red kiss mark on Harry's right cheek. "Ouch, Louis! Your beard stubble is going to give me a rash!" Harry rubs his cheek with a frown on his face.

"Don't rub it off!" I say quickly. "You have to leave it there the whole time!" I laugh, and so do the others.

"Since when was that a rule?" He asks me with a smirk on his face.

"Since now," I quickly turn my head away from his stop stop my heart from pounding too fast. He was going to kiss me, and I cannot deal with that in front of this many people.

"Ok, my turn," Louis takes in his surroundings. "Lottie. Truth or dare?"

"Um...truth, please Louis," Lottie replies, making herself comfortable. Louis grabs the phone and his face goes pale. 

"I'm not asking that to my sister!" He screams, throwing the phone on the table. Niall grabs it and begins laughing his head off, which in turn causes me to laugh my head off, because who isn't going to laugh when Niall laughs? Seriously!

"Oh, that's so bad! I'm going to read it out. It says..." Niall has to stop for a few more seconds to laugh again. "It says; 'who is the oldest person you've had sex with!" Everyone looks at Lottie, who has gone red, despite her flawless makeup over the top. 

"Uh...I don't know, 22?" She says quietly.

"You don't know? How many people have you had sex with?!"Louis' hands are covering his entire face.

"Shut up, Louis!" Lottie throws a cushion at him, and he begins to laugh. "Let's move on. It's my turn."

Before Lottie asks whoever she's going to ask, I feel the vibration of Harry's voice in my ear. "Do you want a drink?" He whispers softly, and I shake my head. "I'm just going to hop up and get one then. Be right back." He gets up and goes to the kitchen, out of sight.

"...Eva. Truth or dare?" Oh, shit. Lottie's picked me. What should I choose? If I pick truth, it could be really embarrassing, but if I pick dare, it could be twice as embarrassing.

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